Solidarity and support to Città della Scienza

525260 492568997469791 208579121 nCitta' della Scienza in Naples, the Italian main interactive Science Centre, visited each year by about 350 000 people, example of an innovative and successful dissemination of scientific culture in Italy and in the world, has been almost completely destroyed by a huge fire that in a few hours has enveloped the whole area. 

All the buildings of the Science Centre, located on the coast of Bagnoli, in the disused area of Italsider, were devoured by the flames: nothing remains of the Exhibition area, the “Officina dei Piccoli”, the Planetarium. Even the official website,, does not seem to exist anymore, due to the servers that probably were inside the structure.

Citta' della Scienza is considered a common heritage by the entire scientific community, both national and international, that has always found there a place for a dialogue with the society and for explaining what science can do for citizens, the economy, the culture of a country. IREA itself has collaborated on several occasions with Citta' della Scienza, the last time in the XXVI edition of Futuro Remoto which was held last November.

We are all deeply affected by this disaster, both as members of the scientific community and as citizens, and we want to express our shock but also our empathy to the friends and colleagues of Citta' della Scienza. We are confident that the expertise and experience accumulated over the years can never be deleted, and we share the words of the President of CNR, Luigi Nicolais, when he says that "we must all feel involved in the reconstruction of the Citta' della Scienza, which must take place in rapid and reliable times."

For messages of solidarity and tangible signs of support, we point out the fb page where there are also operational guidance on how to help rebuild the Città della Scienza:


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Photo taken from Corriere del Mezzogiorno Source: Pressphoto

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