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Download the Remote Sensing Glossary in three languages (The Italian terms are translated in English and French)

edited by Pietro Alessandro Brivio and Zani Giovita

Last modified on Monday, 06 May 2019 10:26
The access to the Library of IREA in Naples is only reserved to IREA personnel; however, books and reviews can be consulted on request. For info please contact Consiglia Rasulo +39 081-7620618, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

The access to the Library of IREA in Milano is only reserved to IREA personnel; however, books and reviews can be consulted on request. For info please contact Alba L'Astorina +39 02-23699281, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , and/or Claudia Giardino+39 02-23699298, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

List of books available at IREA library in Milano (the title refers to the category of books):


Last modified on Thursday, 28 June 2012 09:14

At the headquarters in Napoli there are three main facilities: a bioelectromagnetics laboratory, an optical sensor laboratory and a cluster for remote sensing data processing.



The bioelectromagnetics laboratory is fully equipped with all the instruments needed to expose cell cultures to extremely low frequencies, microwaves, and pulsed electric fields under strictly controlled conditions, and to evaluate the biological effects related to genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogenesis.




The optical sensor laboratory is equipped with devices and tools suitable to design, fabricate and characterize optical and optoelectronic sensors realized by means of optical fiber and planar waveguides. The available facilities include a direct  lithography  system, a small clean room, a micromilling machine and several optical laser sources and detectors.




The cluster for remote sensing data processing, designed and built at IREA, is dedicated to SAR data processing. The architecture is composed of 128 processing units (cores) and 512 GB of RAM; the totally available disk space is about 90 TB.





The Support Unit in Milano is equipped with an optical-electronic laboratory that serves as a collection center for the scientific instrumentation to be used in calibration / validation activities related to remote sensing  data  processing. The laboratory is also equipped with optical bench to be used for laboratory measurements and to check the status of instruments calibration.



In Sirmione del Garda (BS), the Experimental Station "Eugenio Zilioli" is an important support unit for all research activities focused on remote sensing of water quality and to develop the appli-cations interesting the Lake Garda region. Since 1999, the Station collaborates with the Environmental Unit of the Municipality of Sirmione (CRA) for promoting education and divulgation activities in the field of remote sensing of the environment.

Last modified on Tuesday, 03 July 2012 14:05

laboratorio di telerilevamento

In addition to the scientific operations, IREA also shares the importance of basic research and the power of its researchers with the wider community.

The educational outreach team provides specifically crafted programs and educational resources for youth, teachers and members of the general public across Italy and beyond. Most science education initiatives are carried out in collaboration with other institutions, such as the Sirmione Experimental Station "E. Zilioli" .

Furthermoe, the Unit of Milano, in collaboration with the Research Group of CNR Science Communication and Education, carries out researches on the main aspects of science communication. Following is a list of projects of IREA in this field. 

TELEA:  Remote Sensing for Environment Education.

IREA collaborators: Giuseppe Bolzan, Mirco Boschetti, Claudia Giardino, Alba L'Astorina

CATGIS: Cartography, Remote Sensing and GIS as Technologies to be introduced in the schools for studying of the environment

IREA collaborators: Alba L'Astorina (Responsible IREA Research Unit); Giuseppe Bolzan, Mirco Boschetti, Mariano Bresciani, Claudia Giardino

RIZOMA: Alla ricerca di ancoraggi per far germogliare la responsabilità ambientale su canneti ed aree umide.

IREA collaborators: Mariano Bresciani, Claudia Giardino, Alba L'Astorina

PAS: Perception and Awareness of Science-  Project of innovative didactic promoted by CNR “Comunicazione della scienza ed educazione” in collaboration with the British Council. The project consits in introducing the scientifica debate in the schools among students, teachers, experts, stakeholders, on topics with scientific implications.

IRPPS Responsabile: Adriana Valente; IREA - Milano Section Responsible:  Alba L'Astorina

Last modified on Thursday, 28 June 2012 09:05


For years IREA has hosted and delivered data produced during research activities by means of OGC geoservices for managing maps (WMS), coverages (WCS), features (WFS), and observations from sensors (SOS).

It also delivers online standard processing modules (WPS) to let users perform some elaboration on the delivered data. All data and services are described by metadata compliant with the European INSPIRE recommendations and hosted in a Catalogue Service to be searched by the public.

One of the results of this activity is the Geoportal; you can find examples of navigation criteria of a Geoportal at: Information of such a Geoportal refer to spatial and geopraphical information produced within national or international IREA projects, such as snow cover of local glaciers, burned areas in Africa or water quality of Lake Garda. They give an exhaustive idea of applications IREA has produced within its research topics, in particular the Topic Geografic Information Systems.

Here are other "demo" of IREA geoportals referred to particolar areas in Italy and abroad.

Visit the Geoportal of Garda Lake

Visit the Geoportal developed within the European Project IDE-Univers

Last modified on Tuesday, 03 July 2012 13:37


Thanks to an interface based on a GoogleMap technology, it is possible to access all the data concerning the earth deformation using satellite data very easily.

In the deformation maps the green dots represent the stable zones, while the red or purple ones indicate areas that have deformed. Clicking on any colored ball, you can see a graph showing the trend of the deformation over time (remember to unblock popups!)

Click on this link to see the results of some areas where we processed the data:

Last modified on Tuesday, 03 July 2012 13:43
sky tg24, 8 giugno 2012
Almanacco della Scienza del CNR, n. 10 del 6 giugno 2012
Almanacco della Scienza del CNR, n. 10 del 6 giugno 2012

Atlante ventures Mezzogiorno nel capitale della start-up Remocean di Napoli
Almanacco della Scienza del CNR, n. 10 del 6 giugno 2012

TG1 online, 26 maggio 2012

ANSA, 25 maggio 2012

Le Scienze, 25 maggio 2012

Il Sole 24 Ore, 25 maggio 2012

Come comunicano gli istituti del CNR
CNR Divulgazione, 22 febbraio 2012

Compie 12 anni la Stazione Sperimentale Eugenio Zilioli"
Cnr news, 17 febbraio 2012

Dal telerilevamento satellitare opportunità per le imprese
Almanacco della Scienza, n. 3 -  15 febbraio 2012

Quando la Terra è sotto controllo. Dal CNR-IREA nuove tecnologie per il monitoraggio ambientale
Corriere del Mezzogiorno - 25 novembre 2011
L'idea sbarca sul mercato
Il Sole 24 Ore - ‎23 novembre 2011

ItaliaCamp premia le 10 migliori idee dei giovani per innovare il Paese
Il Sole 24 Ore - ‎21 novembre 2011‎

«ItaliaCamp» dieci idee per il Paese
Corriere della Sera - ‎21/nov/2011‎

Scienze dure come le rocce
Intervista a Ilaria Catapano su Radio3Scienza, 15 novembre 2011   ascolta Tecnologia satellitare fondamentale per il monitoraggio delle acque di lago
Science for Environmental Police, Notiziario della DG Ambiente della Commissione Europea, n. 255, 30 settembre 2011

COSMO-SkyMed vigila sul risveglio di Nabro
News ASI - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, 16 settembre 2011

Sostenibilità ambientale? Da promuovere
Almanacco della Scienza, n. 7 - 20 aprile 2011

Mare amico, da Napoli la sentinella contro l’onda anomala
Il Mattino, 16 ottobre 2010

Ecco come "scivola" il fianco orientale dell'Etna
Repubblica Palermo, 16 settembre 2010

Con Remocean l'onda anomala non fa più paura
Almanacco della Scienza CNR, n. 8 - 14 luglio 2010

Remocean e Spring Off: Unicredit premia due imprese campane
Il, 29 maggio 2010

Deformazioni di un vulcano
Scienza online, 20 aprile 2010

Spiati dallo spazio, i vulcani non fanno paura
Almanacco della Scienza CNR, n. 2 - 24 marzo 2010

Canneti, stilato protocollo per la tutela
Il Giornale di Brescia, 10 febbraio 2010

Il "respiro dell'Etna" monitorato dallo spazio
La, 20 febbraio 2009 (vedi Video)

Studenti e tecnici al capezzale del Garda, del Sarca e del Mincio
Brescia oggi, 5 maggio 2007

Se Einstein va al bar - Il mondo scientifico si apre alla comunità
Panorama, 21 agosto 2003

Sul lago di Garda l'occhio di "Fata", il satellite spia la salute delle acque
Corriere della Sera, 15 ottobre 2002
Last modified on Tuesday, 03 July 2012 14:30

IREA published last June 16th 2009 an open call for making its own list of Suppliers.

The list of Suppliers includes all suppliers considered able to provide services and goods requested by the Institute.

The list of Suppliers is divided in categories according to the kind of service or good provided. A supplier can apply for more categories if qualified.

Last modified on Thursday, 28 June 2012 08:42
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