Maria Consiglia Rasulo

Maria Consiglia Rasulo

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Book chapters: 2010, 20112012201320142015
  1. Pasi G, Bordogna G, Jain L, “An introduction to quality issues in the management of web information”, in “Quality Issues in the Management of Web Information”, Pasi G, Bordogna G, Jain L (Eds,), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 1-3.

  2. Villa P, Molina R, Gomarasca MA, “Data harmonisation in the context of the European spatial data infrastructure: the HUMBOLDT project framework and scenarios”, in “Earth Observation of Global Changes (EOGC)”, Krisp JM, Meng L, Pail R, Stilla U (Eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp 179-191.

  3. Bavusi M, Lapenna V, Loperte A, Gueguen E, De Martino G, Adurno I, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “Groundwater Monitoring and Control by Using Electromagnetic Sensing Techniques”, in “The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, DOI 10.1007/698_2013_243.

  4. Rampini A, Bordogna G, Carrara P, Pepe M, Antoninetti M, Mondini A, Reichenbach P, “Modelling Landslides Susceptibility by Fuzzy Emerging Patterns”, IN “Landslide Science and Practice. Volume 1: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning”, Margottini C, Canuti P, Sassa K (Eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, , pp 363-370.

  5. Antoninetti M, “Remote Sensing: Pollution”, in “Encyclopedia of Environmental Management”, Taylor & Francis, pp. 2275-2290 Pasi G, Bordogna G, “The Role of Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval”, in “On Fuzziness. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing”, Seising R, Trillas E, Moraga C, Termini S, Springer Berlin Heidelbergpp 525-532.

  6. Pasi G, Bordogna G, “The Role of Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval”, in On Fuzziness Homage to Lotfi A. Zadeh, Seising R, Trillas E, Moraga C, Termini S (Eds), Springer-Verlag, pp 95-103.

Book chapters: 2010, 20112012201320142015
  1. Bordogna G, Sterlacchini S, "A Multi Criteria Group Decision Making Process Based on the Soft Fusion of Coherent Evaluations of Spatial alternatives", in Recent Developments and New Directions in Soft Computing, Zadeh LA, Abbasov AM, Yager RR, Shahbazova SN, Reformat MZ (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, pp 65-79

  2. Bordogna G, Pasi G, Psaila G, "A Unifying Model of Flexible Queries with Distinct Semantics of Search Term Weights", in Flexible Approaches in Data, Information and Knowledge Management, Pivert O, Zadrożny S (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, pp 223-239.

  3. Nelson A, Boschetti M, Manfron G, Holecz F, Collivignarelli F, Gatti L, Barbieri M, Villano L, Chandna P, Setiyono T, "Combining Moderate-Resolution Time-Series RS Data from SAR and Optical Sources for Rice Crop Characterisation: Examples from Bangladesh", in "Land Applications of Radar Remote Sensing", Holecz F, Pasquali P, Milisavljevic N, Closson D (Eds.), InTech, pp 121-147

  4. Giardino C, Bresciani M, Matta E, Brando VE, "Imaging Spectrometry of Inland Water Quality in Italy Using MIVIS: An Overview", in "Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment", T. Younos, T.E. Parece (eds.), Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp 61-83.

  5. Gianinetto M, Marchesi A, Rota Nodari F, Maianti P, Frassy F, Dalla Via G, Candiani G, Rusmini M, "Remote Sensing Urban Analysis", In "Sustainable Social, Economic and Environmental Revitalization in Multan City", Del Bo A, Bignami DF (Eds), Springer International Publishing, pp 101-112

  6. L'Astorina A, Cerbara L, Valente A, "Saperi e valori nella partecipazione al dibattito scientifico", in "Il CNR e la scuola. progetti, ricerche, esperienze", Maria Eugenia Cadeddu (Ed.), CNR Edizioni, Roma, pp. 65-76.

  7. Reale D, Fornaro G, "SAR Tomography for 3D Reconstruction and Monitoring", in "Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering", Beer M, Kougioumtzoglou IA, Patelli E, Siu-Kui Au I (Eds), Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Book chapters: 2010, 20112012201320142015
  1. Berrettoni C, Trono C, Tombelli S, Giannetti A, Berneschi S, Baldini F, Grimaldi IA, Persichetti G, Testa G, Bernini R, Porro G, Gärtner C, "A point-of-care device for immunosuppressants monitoring in transplanted patients", in “Sensors, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors, Rome 19-21 February, 2014”, Compagnone, D., Baldini, F., Di Natale, C., Betta, G., Siciliano, P. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 27-31.

  2. Minardo A, Coscetta A, Porcaro G, Giannetta D, Bernini R, Zeni L, "Structural health monitoring in the railway field by fiber-optic sensors", in “Sensors, Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors, Rome 19-21 February, 2014”, Compagnone, D., Baldini, F., Di Natale, C., Betta, G., Siciliano, P. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 359-363.

  3. Villa P, Duan H, Loiselle SA, "Using Remote Sensing to Assess the Impact of Human Activities on Water Quality: Case Study of Lake Taihu, China", in "Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment", Younos T, Parece TE (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, 2015, pp 85-110.

 Publications in journals: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016


  1. Bevacqua MT, Scapaticci R, “A Compressive Sensing Approach for 3D Breast Cancer Microwave Imaging with Magnetic Nanoparticles as Contrast Agent”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol, PP (99) DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2015.2490340.

  2. Hoscilo A, Balzter H, Bartholomé E, Boschetti MBrivio PA, Brink A, Clerici M, Pekel JF, “A conceptual model for assessing rainfall and vegetation trends in sub-Saharan Africa from satellite data”, International Journal of Climatology, Vol 35 (12), pp 3582-3592.

  3. Zhao Q, Pepe A, Gao W, Lu Z, Bonano M, He M L, Wang J, Tang X, "A DInSAR Investigation of the Ground Settlement Time Evolution of Ocean-Reclaimed Lands in Shanghai", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 8 (4), pp 1763-1781.

  4. Zinno I, Elefante S, Mossucca L, De Luca C, Manunta M, Terzo O, Lanari R, Casu F, “A First Assessment of the P-SBAS DInSAR Algorithm Performances Within a Cloud Computing Environment”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 8 (10), pp 4675-4686.

  5. Peduto D, Cascini L, Arena L, Ferlisi S, Fornaro G, Reale D, “A general framework and related procedures for multiscale analyses of DInSAR data in subsiding urban areas”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 105, pp 186-210.

  6. Giardino C, Bresciani M, Valentini E, Gasperini L, Bolpagni R, Brando VE, “Airborne hyperspectral data to assess suspended particulate matter and aquatic vegetation in a shallow and turbid lake”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 157, pp 48-57.

  7. Bevacqua MT, Crocco L, Di Donato L, Isernia T, “An algebraic solution method for nonlinear inverse scattering”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 63 (2),pp 601-610.

  8. De Luca C, Cuccu R, Elefante S, Zinno I, Manunta M, Casola V, Rivolta G, Lanari R, Casu F“An on-demand web tool for the unsupervised retrieval of Earth's surface deformation from SAR data: the P-SBAS service within the ESA G-POD environment", Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (11), pp 15630-15650.

  9. Ludeno G, Reale F, Dentale F, Carratelli EP, Natale A, Soldovieri F, Serafino F, “An X-band radar system for bathymetry and wave field analysis in a harbour area”, Sensors, Vol 15 (1), pp 1691-1707.

  10. Villa P, Bresciani M, Bolpagni R, Pinardi M, Giardino C, “A rule-based approach for mapping macrophyte communities using multi-temporal aquatic vegetation indices”, Remote sensing of environment, Vol. 171, pp 218–233. 

  11. Bisquert M, Bordogna G, Bégué A, Candiani G, Teisseire M, Poncelet P, “A Simple Fusion Method for Image Time Series Based on the Estimation of Image Temporal Validity”, Remote Sensing, Vol 7 (1), pp 704-724.

  12. Ambrosanio M, Scapaticci R, Crocco L, “A Simple Quantitative Inversion Approach for Microwave Imaging in Embedded Systems”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2015, Article number 129823.

  13. Pinardi M, Fenocchi A, Giardino C, Sibilla S, Bartoli M, Bresciani M, “Assessing potential algal blooms in a shallow fluvial lake by combining hydrodynamic modelling and remote-sensed images”, Water, Vol. 7 (5), pp 1921-1942.

  14. Di Donato L, Palmeri R, Sorbello G, Isernia T, Crocco L, "Assessing the Capabilities of a New Linear Inversion Method for Quantitative Microwave Imaging”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Volume 2015, Article number 403760.

  15. Fornaro GD'Agostino N, Giuliani R, Noviello C, Reale D, Verde S, “Assimilation of GPS-derived atmospheric propagation delay in DInSAR data processing”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 8 (2), pp 784-799.

  16. Notti D, Calò F, Cigna F, Manunta M, Herrera G, Berti M, Meisina C, Tapete D, Zucca F, “A User-Oriented Methodology for DInSAR Time Series Analysis and Interpretation: Landslides and Subsidence Case Studies”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 172 (11), pp 3081-3105.

  17. L'Astorina A, Tomasoni I, Basoni A, Carrara P, “Beyond the dissemination of Earth Observation research: stakeholders' and users' involvement in project co-design”, Journal Of Science Communication, Vol. 14 (03). 

  18. Bellizzi G, Bucci OM, “Blind focusing of electromagnetic fields in hyperthermia exploiting target contrast variations”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 62 (1), pp 208-217.

  19. Zeni L, Picarelli L, Avolio B, Coscetta A, Papa R, Zeni G, Di Maio C, Vassallo R, Minardo A, “Brillouin optical time-domain analysis for geotechnical monitoring”, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Science, Vol. 7 (4), pp 458-462.

  20. Fornaro G, Verde S, Reale D, Pauciullo A, “CAESAR: An approach based on covariance matrix decomposition to improve multibaseline-multitemporal interferometric SAR processing”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53 (4), pp 2050-2065.

  21. Iero DAM, Crocco LIsernia T, “Constrained power focusing of vector fields: An innovative globally optimal strategy”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol 29 (13), pp 1708-1719.

  22. González PJ, Herrera G, Luzón F, Tizzani P, "Current Topics on Deformation Monitoring and Modelling, Geodynamics and Natural Hazards: Introduction”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 172 (11), pp 2961-2964.

  23. Aubry ADe Maio A, Foglia G, Orlando D, “Diffuse multipath exploitation for adaptive radar detection”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 63 (5), pp 1268-1281.

  24. Rossini M, Panigada C, Cilia C, Meroni M, Busetto L, Cogliati S, Amaducci S, Colombo R, “Discriminating Irrigated and Rainfed Maize with Diurnal Fluorescence and Canopy Temperature Airborne Maps”, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 4, pp 626-646.

  25. Paleari L, Cappelli G, Bregaglio S, Acutis M, Donatelli M, Sacchi GA, Lupotto E, Boschetti M, Manfron G, Confalonieri R, "District specific, in silico evaluation of rice ideotypes improved for resistance/tolerance traits to biotic and abiotic stressors under climate change scenarios”, Climatic Change, Vol 132 (4), pp 661-675.

  26. Hansen EL, Sozer EB, Romeo S, Frandsen SK, Vernier PT, Gehl J, “Dose-Dependent ATP depletion and cancer cell death following calcium electroporation, relative effect of calcium concentration and electric field strength”, PLoS ONE, Vol 10(4), doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122973

  27. Persico R, Leucci G, Matera L, de Giorgi L, Soldovieri F, Cataldo A, Cannazza G, de Benedetto E, “Effect of the height of the observation line on the the diffraction curve in GPR prospecting”, Near surface geophysics, Vol 12, DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2014042.

  28. Anishchenko L, Gennarelli G, Tataraidze A, Gaysina E, Soldovieri F, Ivashov S, “Evaluation of rodents' respiratory activity using a bioradar”, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, Vol. 9 (9), pp 1296 – 1302.

  29. Picco V, Gennarelli G, Negishi T, Soldovieri F, Erricolo D, “Experimental Validation of the Quadratic Forward Model for RF Tomography”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 12 (7), pp 1461-1465.

  30. Grimaldi IA, Testa G, Bernini R“Flow through ring resonator sensing platform”, RSC Advances, Vol. 5 (86), pp 70156–70162.

  31. Noviello C, Fornaro G, Martorella M, “Focused SAR image formation of moving targets based on doppler parameter estimation”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 53 (6), pp 3460-3470.

  32. Catapano IAffinito ADel Moro A, Alli G, Soldovieri F"Forward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar via a Linear Inverse Scattering Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53 (10), pp 5624-5633.

  33. Granstrom K, Natale A, Braca P, Ludeno GSerafino F, “Gamma Gaussian Inverse Wishart Probability Hypothesis Density for Extended Target Tracking Using X-Band Marine Radar Data”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53 (12), pp 6617-6631.

  34. Kliment T, Carrara P, Oggioni A, “Geospatial data infrastructure components deployed for LTER-Europe Researcher's community", Agris On-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol. 7 (4), pp 65-78.

  35. Zeni O, Sannino A, Romeo S, Micciulla F, Bellucci S, Scarfi MR, “Growth inhibition, cell-cycle alteration and apoptosis in stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes by multiwalled carbon nanotube buckypaper”, Nanomedicine, Vol 10 (3), pp 351-360.

  36. Gennarelli G, Frongillo M, Riccio G, “High-frequency evaluation of the field inside and outside an acute-angled dielectric wedge”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 63 (1), pp 374-378.

  37. Pepe AYang Y, Manzo M, Lanari R“Improved EMCF-SBAS processing chain based on advanced techniques for the noise-filtering and selection of small baseline multi-look DInSAR interferograms”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53 (8), pp 4394-4417.

  38. Villa P, Stroppiana D, Fontanelli G, Azar R, Brivio PA, “In-season mapping of crop type with optical and X-band SAR data: A classification tree approach using synoptic seasonal features”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (10), pp 12859-12886.

  39. Satriani A, Loperte A, Soldovieri F, “Integrated geophysical techniques for sustainable management of water resource. A case study of local dry bean versus commercial common bean cultivars”, Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 162, pp 57–66.

  40. Stroppiana D, Azar R, Calò F, Pepe A, Imperatore P, Boschetti M, Silva JMN, Brivio PA, Lanari R, “Integration of Optical and SAR Data for Burned Area Mapping in Mediterranean Regions”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (2), pp 1320-1345.

  41. Di Donato L, Bevacqua MT, Crocco L, Isernia T, “Inverse Scattering Via Virtual Experiments and Contrast Source Regularization”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 63 (4), pp 1669 - 1677.

  42. Castaldo R, Tizzani P, Lollino P, Calò F, Ardizzone F, Lanari R, Guzzetti F, Manunta M, “Landslide Kinematical Analysis through Inverse Numerical Modelling and Differential SAR Interferometry”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 172 (11), pp 3067-3080.

  43. Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi MR, Fatahi M, Reddig A, Reinhold D, SpecK O, “Letter by Vijayalaxmi et al Regarding Article, "Biological Effects of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance on Human Blood Cells" by Lancellotti et al.”, Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging.

  44. Tizzani P, Battaglia M, Castaldo R, Pepe A, Zeni G, Lanari R, "Magma and fluid migration at Yellowstone Caldera in the last three decades inferred from InSAR, leveling, and gravity measurements”, Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth, Vol. 120 (4), pp 2627-2647.

  45. D'Auria L, Pepe S, Castaldo RGiudicepietro F, Macedonio G, Ricciolino P, Tizzani P, Casu F, Lanari R, Manzo MMartini M, Sansosti E, Zinno I, "Magma injection beneath the urban area of Naples: A new mechanism for the 2012-2013 volcanic unrest at Campi Flegrei caldera”, Scientific Reports, Vol 5, Article number 13100.

  46. Cilia C, Panigada C, Rossini M, Candiani G, Pepe M, Colombo R, “Mapping of Asbestos Cement Roofs and Their Weathering Status Using Hyperspectral Aerial Images”, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol 4(2), pp 928-941.

  47. Giardino C, Bresciani M, Fava F, Matta E, Brando VE, Colombo R, “Mapping Submerged Habitats and Mangroves of Lampi Island Marine National Park (Myanmar) from In Situ and Satellite Observations”, Remote Sensing 2015.

  48. Hestir EL, Brando VE, Bresciani M, Giardino C, Matta E, Villa P, Dekker AG, “Measuring freshwater aquatic ecosystems: The need for a hyperspectral global mapping satellite mission”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 167, pp 181-195.

  49. Testa G, Persichetti G, Bernini R, “Micro flow cytometer with self-aligned 3D hydrodynamic focusing”, Biomedical Optics Express, Vol 6 (1), pp 54-62.

  50. Bevacqua MT, Crocco L, Di Donato L, Isernia T, “Microwave imaging of nonweak targets via compressive sensing and virtual experiments”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 14, pp 1035-1038.

  51. Almeida ER, Porsani JL, Catapano IGennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “Microwave Tomography-Enhanced GPR in Forensic Surveys: The Case Study of a Tropical Environment”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing.

  52. Di Donato L, Crocco L, "Model-based quantitative cross-borehole GPR imaging via virtual experiments”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 53 (8), pp 4178-4185.

  53. Imperatore P, Pepe A, Lanari R, “Multichannel Phase Unwrapping: Problem Topology and Dual-Level Parallel Computational Model”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53 (10), pp 5774-5793.

  54. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “Multipath Ghosts in Radar Imaging: Physical Insight and Mitigation Strategies”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing Vol. 8 (3), pp 1078-1086.

  55. Gennarelli GVivone G, Braca P, Soldovieri FAmin MG, "Multiple Extended Target Tracking for Through-Wall Radars”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53 (12), pp 6482-6494.

  56. Sica F, Reale D, Poggi G, Verdoliva L, Fornaro G, “Nonlocal Adaptive Multilooking in SAR Multipass Differential Interferometry”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 8 (4), pp 1727-1742.

  57. Gennarelli G, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, Persico R, “On the achievable imaging performance in full 3-D linear inverse scattering”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 63 (3), pp 1150-1155.

  58. Bucci OM, Crocco L, Scapaticci R, “On the optimal measurement configuration for magnetic nanoparticles-enhanced breast cancer microwave imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 62 (2), pp 407-414.

  59. Catapano I, Soldovieri F, Alli G, Mollo G, Forte LA, “On the Reconstruction Capabilities of Beamforming and a Microwave Tomographic Approach, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 12 (12), pp 2369-2373.

  60. Solimene R, Mola C, Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “On the singular spectrum of radiation operators in the non-reactive zone: The case of strip sources”, Journal of Optics, Vol 17 (2), Article number 025605.

  61. Persichetti G,Testa G, Bernini R, "Optofluidic jet waveguide enhanced Raman spectroscopy”, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 207, Issue PA, pp 732-739.

  62. Gennarelli G, Amin MG, Soldovieri F, Solimene R, “Passive multiarray image fusion for RF tomography by opportunistic sources”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 12 (3), pp 641-645.

  63. Loffredo F, Grimaldi IA, Miscioscia R, Nenna G, Villani F, Minarini C, Petrosino M, Rubino A, Usta H, Facchetti A, "Photosensing properties of pentacene OFETs based on a novel PMMA copolymer gate dielectric”, OSA Journal of Display Technology, Vol. 11 (6), pp 533-540.

  64. Akduman I, Crocco L, Litman A, Yapar A, “Progress in Microwave Imaging: From Theoretical Developments to Cutting-Edge Applications”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2015, Article ID 960927.

  65. Sansosti E, Manunta M, Casu F, Bonano M, Ojha C, Marsella M, Lanari R, “Radar remote sensing from space for surface deformation analysis: present and future opportunities from the new SAR sensor generation”, Rendiconti Lincei, Vol 26, pp. 75-84.

  66. Aubry A, De Maio A, Foglia G, Hao C, Orlando D, "Radar detection and range estimation using oversampled data”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 51 (2), pp 1039-1052.

  67. Boschetti M, Nelson A, Nutini F, Manfron G, Busetto L, Barbieri M, Laborte A, Raviz J, Holecz F, Mabalay MRO, Bacong AP, Quilang EJP, “Rapid assessment of crop status: An application of MODIS and SAR data to rice areas in Leyte, Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (6), pp 6535-6557.

  68. Doble MJ, De Carolis G, Meylan MH, Bidlot JR, Wadhams P, “Relating wave attenuation to pancake ice thickness, using field measurements and model results”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 42 (11), pp 4473-4481.

  69. Karbasi SM, Aubry A, De Maio A, Bastani MH, "Robust Transmit Code and Receive Filter Design for Extended Targets in Clutter “, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol 63 (8), pp 1965-1976.

  70. Basoni A, Menegon S, Sarretta A, “Sailing Towards Open Marine Data: the RITMARE Data Policy”, ERCIM News, Vol. 100.

  71. Manzo C, Bresciani M, Giardino C, Braga F, Bassani C, “Sensitivity analysis of a bio-optical model for Italian lakes focused on Landsat-8, Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 48, pp 17-32.

  72. Vaičiūtė D, Bresciani M, Bartoli M, Giardino C, Bučas M, “Spatial and temporal distribution of coloured dissolved organic matter in a hypertrophic freshwater lagoon”, Journal of Limnology, Vol. 74 (3), pp 572-583.

  73. Minardo A, Coscetta A, Bernini R, Ruiz-Lombera R, Serrano JM, López-Higuera JM, Zeni L, “Structural damage identification in an aluminum composite plate by brillouin sensing”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol 15 (2), pp 659-660.

  74. Di Nocolantonio W, Cazzaniga I, Cacciari A, Bresciani M, Giardino C, “Synergy of multispectral and multisensors satellite observations to evaluate desert aerosol transport and impact of dust deposition on inland waters: study case of Lake Garda", Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 9 (1).

  75. Bucci OM, Perna S, Pinchera D, “Synthesis of isophoric sparse arrays allowing zoomable beams and arbitrary coverage in satellite communications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 63 (4), pp 1445-1457.

  76. Frongillo M, Gennarelli G, Riccio G, "TD-UAPO diffracted field evaluation for penetrable wedges with acute apex angle”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, Vol. 32 (7), pp 1271-1275.

  77. Ojha C, Manunta M, Lanari R, Pepe A, “The Constrained-Network Propagation (C-NetP) technique to improve SBAS-DInSAR deformation time series retrieval", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2015.2482358.

  78. Widlowski JL, Mio C, Disney M, Adams J, Andredakis I, Atzberger C, Brennan J, Busetto L, Chelle M, Ceccherini G, Colombo R, Côté JF, Eenmäe A, Essery R, Gastellu-Etchegorry JP, Gobron N, Grau E, Haverd V, Homolová L, Huang H, Hunt L, Kobayashi H, Koetz B, Kuusk A, Kuusk J, Lang M, Lewis PE, Lovell JL, Malenovský Z, Meroni M, Morsdorf F, Mõttus M, Ni-Meister W, Pinty B, Rautiainen M, Schlerf M, Somers B, Stuckens J, Verstraete MM, Yang W, Zhao F, Zenone T, “The fourth phase of the radiative transfer model intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Actual canopy scenarios and conformity testing”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 169, pp 418–437.

  79. Hestir EL, Brando V, Campbell G, Dekker A, Malthus T, “The relationship between dissolved organic matter absorption and dissolved organic carbon in reservoirs along a temperate to tropical gradient”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol 156, pp 395-402.

  80. Lamberti P, Romeo S, Sannino A, Zeni L, Zeni O, “The Role of Pulse Repetition Rate in nsPEF-induced Electroporation: A Biological and Numerical Investigation”, IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering, Vol. 62 (9), pp 2234-2243.

  81. Calò F, Saygin A, Görüm T, Pepe A, Kiliç H, Balik Şanli F,"The space-borne DInSAR technique as a supporting tool for sustainable policies: the case of Istanbul megacity, Turkey" Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (12), pp 16519-16536.

  82. Scapaticci RKosmas P, Crocco L, “Wavelet-Based Regularization for Robust Microwave Imaging in Medical Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol 62 (4), pp 1195-1202.


Publications in journals: 2010, 201120122013201420152016


  1. Fornaro G, Paglia L, “A comparison of atmospheric phase delay estimated by ASAR and MERIS over the Campania area”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 33 (5), pp 1507-1528.

  2. Lo Monte L, Soldovieri F, Erricolo D, Giannopoulos A, Wicks MC , “A Comprehensive Forward Model for Imaging under Irregular Terrain Using RF Tomography”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2012.

  3. Soldovieri F, Catapano I, Crocco L, Anishchenko LN, Ivashov SI, “A Feasibility Study for Life Signs Monitoring via a Continuous-Wave Radar”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2012.

  4. Scapaticci R, Di Donato L, Catapano I, Crocco L, “A Feasibility study on microwave imaging for brain stroke monitoring”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol 40, pp 305-324.

  5. Villa , Boschetti M, Bianchini F, Cella F, “A hybrid multi-step approach for urban area mapping in the Province of Milan, Italy”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 45 (1), pp 333-347.

  6. Stroppiana D, Bordogna G, Carrara P, Boschetti M, Boschetti L, Brivio PA, “A method for extracting burned areas from Landsat TM/ETM+ images by soft aggregation of multiple Spectral Indices and a region growing algorithm”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 69, pp 88-102.

  7. Villa P, Boschetti M, Morse JL, Politte N, “A multitemporal analysis of tsunami impact on coastal vegetation using remote sensing: A case study on Koh Phra Thong Island, Thailand”, Natural Hazards, Vol. 64 (1), pp 667-689.

  8. Crocco L, Di Donato L, Iero DAM, Isernia T, “A New Strategy to Constrained Focusing in Unknown Scenarios”, Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 11, pp 1450-1453.

  9. Solimene R, Ahmad F, Soldovieri F, “A Novel CS-TSVD Strategy to Perform Data Reduction in Linear Inverse Scattering Problems”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 9 (5), pp 881-885.

  10. Manzo M, Fialko Y, Casu F, Pepe A, Lanari R, “A Quantitative Assessment of DInSAR Measurements of Interseismic Deformation: The Southern San Andreas Fault Case Study”, Pure and Applied Geophysics, Vol. 169 (8), pp 1463-1482.

  11. Catapano I, Crocco L, Krellmann Y, Triltzsch G, Soldovieri F, “A Tomographic Approach for Helicopter-Borne Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 9 (3), pp 378-382.

  12. Bucci OM, Perna S, Pinchera D, “Advances in the Deterministic Synthesis of Uniform Amplitude Pencil Beam Concentric Ring Arrays”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60 (7), pp 3504-3509.

  13. Crocco L, Di Donato L, Iero DAM, Isernia T, “An Adaptive Method to Focusing in an Unknown Scenario”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 130, 563-579.

  14. Perna S, Iodice A, “An Algorithm for Efficient and Effective Evaluation of Scattering From Fractal Surfaces”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50 (9), pp 3554-3566.

  15. Di Donato L, Scapaticci R, Isernia T, Catapano I, Crocco L , “An Effective Method for Borehole Imaging of Buried Tunnels”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2012.

  16. Sansone M, Zeni O, Esposito G, “Automated segmentation of comet assay images using Gaussian filtering and fuzzy clustering”, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 50 (5), pp 523-532.

  17. Giardino C, Candiani G, Bresciani M, Lee Z, Gagliano S, Pepe M, “BOMBER: a tool for estimating water quality and bottom properties from remote sensing images”, Computers & Geosciences, Vol. 45, pp 313-318.

  18. Minardo A, Bernini R, Amato L, Zeni L, “ Bridge monitoring using Brillouin fiber-optic sensors”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 12 (1), pp 145-150.

  19. Migliaccio F, Carrion D, Zambrano C, Stroppiana D, “CO emission datasets and maps from Remote Sensing: spatial and statistical comparison at different levels”, Italian Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 44 (1), pp 69-81.

  20. Masini N, Soldovieri F, de Buergo MA, Dumoulin J, “Cultural heritage and civil engineering FOREWORD”, Journal of geophysics and engineering, Vo. 9 (4).

  21. Pauciullo A, Reale D, De Maio A, Fornaro G, “Detection of Double Scatterers in SAR Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50 (9), pp 3567-3586.

  22. Lauro SE, Mattei E, Soldovieri F, Pettinelli E, Orosei R, Vannaroni G, “Dielectric constant estimation of the uppermost Basal Unit layer in the martian Boreales Scopuli region”, Icarus, Vol. 219 (1), pp 458-467.

  23. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Differential Techniques for High-Resolution BOTDA: An Analytical Approach”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24 (15), pp 1295-1297.

  24. Bernini R, Minardo A, Zeni L, “Distributed Sensing at Centimeter-Scale Spatial Resolution by BOFDA: Measurements and Signal Processing”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 4 (1), pp 48-56.

  25. Bucci OM, Bucci E, “Electromagnetism, Nanotechnologies and Biology: New Challenges and Opportunities”, The Radio Science Bulletin, Vol. 341, pp 10-21.

  26. Stroppiana D, Boschetti M, Brivio PA, Nizzetto L, Di Guardo A, “Forest leaf area index in an Alpine valley from medium resolution satellite imagery and in situ data”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 6.

  27. Bordogna G, Boschetti M, Brivio PA, Carrara P, Stroppiana D, Weissteiner CJ, “Handling heterogeneous bipolar information for modelling environmental syndromes of global change”, Environmental Modelling & Software, Vol. 36, pp 131-147.

  28. Villa P, Molina R, Gomarasca MA, Roccatagliata E, “Harmonisation Requirements and Capabilities towards an ESDI: the HUMBOLDT Protected Areas Scenario”, International Journal of Digital Earth, Vol. 5 (5), pp 417-438.

  29. Minardo A, Zeni L, Bernini R, “High-Spatial- and Spectral-Resolution Time-Domain Brillouin Distributed Sensing by Use of Two Frequency-Shifted Optical Beam Pairs”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol. 4 (5), pp 1900-1908.

  30. Ruch J, Pepe S, Casu F, Acocella V, Neri M, Solaro G, Sansosti E, “How do volcanic rift zones relate to flank instability? Evidence from collapsing rifts at Etna”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39.

  31. Testa G, Huang YJ, Zeni L, Sarro PM, Bernini R, “Hybrid Silicon-PDMS Optofluidic ARROW Waveguide”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24 (15), pp 1307-1309.

  32. Lo Monte L, Soldovieri F, Erricolo D, Wicks MC, “Imaging Below Irregular Terrain Using RF Tomography”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50 (9), pp 3364-3373.

  33. Soldovieri F, Utsi E, Persico R, Alani AM, “Imaging of Scarce Archaeological Remains Using Microwave Tomographic Depictions of Ground Penetrating Radar Data”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vo. 2012.

  34. Zeni O, Sannino A, Romeo S, Massa R, Sarti M, Reddy AB, Prihoda TJ, Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi MR, “Induction of an adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to radiofrequency fields: Influence of the universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS) signal and the specific absorption rate”, Mutation research. Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis, Vol. 747 (1), pp 29-35.

  35. Testa G, Bernini R, “Integrated tunable liquid optical fiber”, Lab on a chip - Miniaturisation for Chemistry and Biology, Vol. 12 (19), pp 3670-3672.

  36. Hommersom A, Kratzer S, Laanen M, Ansko I, Ligi M, Bresciani M, Giardino C, Beltran J, Moore G, Wernand M, Peters S, “Intercomparison in the field between the new Wisp-3 and other radiometers (TriOS Ramses, ASD FieldSpec, And TACCS)”, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 6 (1).

  37. Fornaro G, Atzori S, Calo F, Reale D, Salvi S, “Inversion of Wrapped Differential Interferometric SAR Data for Fault Dislocation Modeling”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 50 (6), pp 2175-2184.

  38. Manconi A, Casu F, “Joint analysis of displacement time series retrieved from SAR phase and amplitude: Impact on the estimation of volcanic source parameters”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39.

  39. Minardo A, Persichetti G, Testa G, Zeni L, Bernini R, “Long term structural health monitoring by Brillouin fibre-optic sensing: a real case”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 9 (4), pp S64-S69.

  40. Bonano M, Manunta M, Marsella M, Lanari R, “Long-term ERS/ENVISAT deformation time-series generation at full spatial resolution via the extended SBAS technique”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 33 (15), pp 4756-4783.

  41. Villa P, “Mapping urban growth using Soil and Vegetation Index and Landsat data: The Milan (Italy) city area case study”, Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 107 (3), pp 245-254.

  42. Søndergaard M, Phillips G, Hellsten S, Kolada A, Ecke F, Mäemets H, Mjelde M, Azzella MM, Oggioni A, “Maximum growing depth of submerged macrophytes in European lakes”, Hydrobiologia, Vol. 704 (1), pp 165-177.

  43. Dudley B, Dunbar M, Penning E, Kolada A, Hellsten S, Oggioni A, Bertrin V, Ecke F, Søndergaard M, “Measurements of uncertainty in macrophyte metrics used to assess European lake water quality”, Hydrobiologia, Volume 704 (1), pp 179-191.

  44. Bavera D, De Michele C, Pepe M, Rampini A, “Melted snow volume control in the snowmelt runoff model using a snow water equivalent statistically based model”, Hydrological Processes, Vol. 26 (22), pp 3405-3415.

  45. Catapano I, Crocco L, Di Napoli R, Soldovieri F, Brancaccio A, Pesando F, Aiello A, “Microwave tomography enhanced GPR surveys in Centaur's Domus, Regio VI of Pompeii, Italy”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 9 (4), pp S92-S99.

  46. Bucci OM, Bellizzi G, Catapano I, Crocco L, Scapaticci R, “MNP Enhanced Microwave Breast Cancer Imaging: Measurement Constraints and Achievable Performances”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 11, pp 1630-1632.

  47. Minardo A, Coscetta A, Pirozzi S, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Modal analysis of a cantilever beam by use of Brillouin based distributed dynamic strain measurements”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21.

  48. Currenti G, Solaro G, Napoli R, Pepe A, Bonaccorso A, Del Negro C, Sansosti E, “Modeling of ALOS and COSMO-SkyMed satellite data at Mt Etna: Implications on relation between seismic activation of the Pernicana fault system and volcanic unrest”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 125, pp 64-72.

  49. Imperatore P, Iodice A, Riccio D, “Multi-Reaction and Scattering from Rough Multilayers”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 45 (1), pp 153-165.

  50. Cipullo A , Gruca G, Heeck K, De Filippis F, Iannuzzi D, Minardo A, Zeni L, “Numerical study of a ferrule-top cantilever optical fiber sensor for wind-tunnel applications and comparison with experimental results”, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, Vol. 178, pp 17-25.

  51. Persichetti G, Testa G, Bernini R, “Optofluidic jet waveguide for laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy”, Optics Letters, Vol. 37 (24), pp 5115-5117.

  52. Brivio PA, “Osservare la terra nell'invisibile: le basi del telerilevamento ottico”, Il Polo, Vol LXVII (1), pp 46-56.

  53. Stroppiana D, Bordogna G, Boschetti M, Carrara P, Boschetti L, Brivio PA, “Positive and negative information for assessing and revising scores of burn evidence ”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 9 (3), pp 363-367.

  54. Fornaro G, Reale D, Verde S, “Potential of SAR for monitoring transportation infrastructures: an analysis with the multi-dimensional imaging technique”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 9 (4), pp S1-S9.

  55. Persico R, Negri S, Soldovieri F, Pettinelli E, “Pseudo 3D imaging of dielectric and magnetic anomalies from GPR data”, International Journal of Geophysics, Volume 2012.

  56. Zeni O, Sannino A, Sarti M, Romeo S, Massa R, Scarfì MR, “Radiofrequency radiation at 1950 MHz (UMTS) Does not affect key cellular endpoints in neuron-like PC12 cells”, Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 33 (6), pp 497-507.

  57. Serafino F, Lugni C, Ludeno G, Arturi D, Uttieri M, Buonocore B, Zambianchi E, Budillon G, Soldovieri F, “REMOCEAN: A Flexible X-Band Radar System for Sea-State Monitoring and Surface Current Estimation”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 9 (5), pp 822-826.

  58. Bresciani M, Vascellari M, Giardino C, Matta E, “Remote sensing supports the definition of the water quality status of Lake Omodeo (Italy)”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 45 (2), pp 349-360.

  59. Morabito G, Oggioni A, Austoni M, “Resource ratio and human impact: how diatom assemblages in Lake Maggiore responded to oligotrophication and climatic variability”, Hydrobiologia, Vol. 698 (1), pp 47-60.

  60. Bresciani M, Giardino C, Stroppiana D, Pilkaityte R, Bartoli M, Razinkovas A, Zilius M, “Retrospective analysis of spatial and temporal variability of chlorophyll-a in the Curonian lagoon”, Journal of Coastal Conservation, Vol. 16 (4), pp 511-519.

  61. Bresciani M, Bolpagni R, Braga F, Oggioni A, Giardino C, “Retrospective assessment of macrophytic communities in southern Lake Garda (Italy) from in situ and MIVIS (Multispectral Infrared and Visible Imaging Spectrometer) data”, Journal of Limnology, 71(1), pp 180-190.

  62. Ruch J, Warren JK, Risacher F, Walter TR, Lanari R, “Salt lake deformation detected from space”, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol. 331, pp 120–127.

  63. Imperatore P, Iodice A, Riccio D, “Second-Order Volumetric-Perturbative Reciprocal Scattering Theory”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60 (3), pp 1505-1520.

  64. D'Agostino N, Cheloni D, Fornaro G, Giuliani R, Reale D, “Space-time distribution of afterslip following the 2009 L'Aquila earthquake”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Vol. 117 (B2).

  65. Soldovieri F, Solimene R, Ahmad F, “Sparse Tomographic Inverse Scattering Approach for Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 61 (12), pp 3340-3350.

  66. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Spatial Resolution Enhancement in Preactivated BOTDA Schemes by Numerical Processing”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24 (12), pp 1003-1005.

  67. Catapano I, Di Napoli R, Soldovieri F, Bavusi M, Loperte A, Dumoulin J, “Structural monitoring via microwave tomography-enhanced GPR: the Montagnole test site”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 9 (4), pp S100-S107.

  68. Sansosti E, Casu F, Manzo M, Pepe A, Lanari R, “Ten Years of ENVISAT Acquisitions: A Milestone for the Development of Advanced DInSAR Techniques”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Newsletter, June 2012, pp 8-16.

  69. D'Auria L, Giudicepietro F, Martini M, Lanari R, “The 4D imaging of the source of ground deformation at Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy)”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 117 (B08209).

  70. Crocco L, Catapano I, Di Donato L, Isernia T, “The Linear Sampling Method as a Way to Quantitative Inverse Scattering”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60 (4), pp 1844-1853.

  71. Catapano I, Crocco L, Morabito AF, Soldovieri F, “Tomographic imaging of holographic GPR data for non-invasive structural assessment: the Musmeci bridge investigation”, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 27 (3), pp 229-237.

  72. Soldovieri F, Lo Monte L, Erricolo D, “Tunnel detection and localisation via multi-monostatic radio frequency tomography using magnetic sources”, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Vol 6 (9), pp 834-845 (Cit 3)

  73. Scozzari A, Gómez-Enri J, Vignudelli S, Soldovieri F, “Understanding target-like signals in coastal altimetry: Experimentation of a tomographic imaging technique”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39 (2).

  74. Scapaticci R, Catapano I, Crocco L, “Wavelet-Based Adaptive Multiresolution Inversion for Quantitative Microwave Imaging of Breast Tissues”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 60 (8), pp 3717-3726.

Publications in journals: 201020112012201320142015, 2016


  1. Galli A, Comite D, Catapano I, Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, Pettinelli E, “3D Imaging of Buried Dielectric Targets with a Tomographic Microwave Approach Applied to GPR Synthetic Data”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation.

  2. Romeo S, D'Avino C, Zeni O, Zeni L, “A Blumlein-type, Nanosecond Pulse Generator with Interchangeable Transmission Lines for Bioelectrical Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 20 (4), pp 1224-1230.

  3. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “A Linear Inverse Scattering Algorithm for Radar Imaging in Multipath Environments”, IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10 (5), pp 1085-1089.

  4. Gennarelli G, Romeo S, Scarfì MR, Soldovieri F, “A Microwave Resonant Sensor for Concentration Measurements of Liquid Solutions”, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13 (5), pp 1857-1864.

  5. Alperovich L, Eppelbaum L, Zheludev V, Dumoulin J, Soldovieri F, Proto M, Bavusi M, Loperte A, “A new combined wavelet methodology: implementation to GPR and ERT data obtained in the Montagnole experiment”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10 (2).

  6. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “A non specific microwave sensor for water quality monitoring”, International Water Technology Journal, Vol. 3 (2).

  7. Bellizzi G, Bucci OM, “A novel measurement technique for the broadband characterization of diluted water ferrofluids for biomedical applications”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49 (6), pp 2903-291.

  8. Yang Y, Pepe A, Manzo M, Casu F, Lanari R, “A region-growing technique to improve multi-temporal DInSAR interferogram phase unwrapping performance”, Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 4 (10), pp 988-997.

  9. Villa P, Laini A, Bresciani M, Bolpagni R, “A remote sensing approach to monitor the conservation status of lacustrine Phragmites australis beds”, Wetlands Ecology and Management, Vol. 21 (6), pp 399-416.

  10. Yang Y, Pepe A, Manzo M, Bonano M, Liang DN, Lanari R, “A simple Solution to Mitigate Noise Effects in Time-Redundant Sequences of Small Baseline Multi-look DInSAR Interferograms”, Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 4 (6), pp 609-618.

  11. Romeo S, D'Avino C, Pinchera D, Zeni O, Scarfì MR, Massa R, “A waveguide applicator for in vitro exposures to single or multiple ICT frequencies”, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 61 (5), pp 1994-2004.

  12. Criscuolo L, Pepe M, Seppi R, Bordogna G, Carrara P, Zucca F, “Alpine Glaciology: An Historical Collaboration between Volunteers and Scientists and the Challenge Presented by an Integrated Approach”, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Vol. 2 (3), pp 680-703.

  13. Aubry A, De Maio A, Jiang B , Zhang S, “Ambiguity function shaping for cognitive radar via complex quartic optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 61 (22), pp 5603-5619.

  14. Crocco L, Di Donato L, Catapano I, Isernia T, “An Improved Simple Method for Imaging the Shape of Complex Targets”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 61 (2), pp 843-851.

  15. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “Analysis of Water Pollution by a Microwave Cavity Sensor”, Sensor Letters, Vol. 11 (9), pp 1561-1566.

  16. Bresciani M, Rossini M, Morabito G, Matta E, Pinardi M, Cogliati S, Julitta T, Colombo R, Braga F, Giardino C, “Analysis of within- and between-day chlorophyll-a dynamics in Mantua Superior Lake, with a continuous spectroradiometric measurement”, Marine and Freshwater Research, Vol. 64 (4), pp 303-316.

  17. Di Martino G, Iodice A, Riccio D, Ruello G, Zinno I, “Angle independence properties of fractal dimension maps estimated from SAR data”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 6 (3), pp 1242-1253.

  18. Atzori S, Chiarabba C, Devoti R, Bonano M, Lanari R, “Anomalous far-field geodetic signature related to the 2009 L'Aquila (central Italy) earthquake”, TERRA nova, Vol. 25 (5), pp 343-351.

  19. Rossini M, Fava F, Cogliati S, Meroni M, Marchesi A, Panigada C, Giardino C, Busetto L, Migliavacca M, Amaducci S, Colombo R, “Assessing canopy PRI from airborne imagery to map water stress in maize, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 86, pp 168-177.

  20. Balbarani S, Euillades PA, Euillades LD, Casu F, Riveros N, “Atmospheric corrections in interferometric synthetic aperture radar surface deformation – A case study of the city of Mendoza, Argentina”, Advances in Geosciences, Vol. 35, pp 105-113.

  21. Perna S, Zamparelli V, Pauciullo A, Fornaro G, “Azimuth-to-Frequency Mapping in Airborne SAR Data Corrupted by Uncompensated Motion Errors”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10 (6), pp 1493-1497.

  22. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Bend-Induced Brillouin Frequency Shift Variation in a Single-Mode Fiber”, IEEE photonics technology letters , Vol 25 (23) pp 2362-2364.

  23. Fornaro G, Reale D, Verde S, “Bridge Thermal Dilation Monitoring With Millimeter Sensitivity via Multidimensional SAR Imaging”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 10 (4), pp 677-681.

  24. Del Negro C, Currenti G, Solaro G, Greco F, Pepe A, Napoli R, Pepe S, Casu F, Sansosti E, “Capturing the fingerprint of Etna volcano activity in gravity and satellite radar data”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 3.

  25. Bolpagni R, Bettoni E, Bonomi F, Bresciani M, Caraffini K, Costaraoss S, Giacomazzi F, Monauni C, Montanari P, Mosconi MC, Oggioni A, Pellegrini G, Zampieri C, “Charophytes of Lake Garda (Northern Italy): a preliminary assessment of diversity and distribution”, Journal of Limnology, Vol 72 (2), pp 388-393.

  26. Aubry A, De Maio A , Pallotta L, Farina A, “Covariance matrix estimation via geometric barycenters and its application to radar training data selection”, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Vol. 7 (6), pp 600-614.

  27. Cascini L, Peduto D, Reale D, Arena L, Ferlisi S, Verde S, Fornaro G, “Detection and monitoring of facilities exposed to subsidence phenomena via past and current generation SAR sensors”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol 10 (6).

  28. Gómez-Enri J, Scozzari A, Soldovieri F, Vignudelli S, “Envisat radar altimetry for coastal and inland waters: case-study of the Concordia ship to understand non-water targets using a tomographic technique”, International Water Technology Journal, Vol. 3 (2), pp 60-69.

  29. Minardo A, Coscetta A, Pirozzi S, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Experimental modal analysis of an aluminum rectangular plate by use of the slope-assisted BOTDA method”, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol 22 (12).

  30. Del Ventisette C, Ciampalini A, Manunta M, Calò F, Paglia L, Ardizzone F, Mondini AC, Reichenbach P, Mateos RM, Bianchini S, Garcia I, Füsi B, Deák Zv, Rádi K, Graniczny M, Kowalski Z, Piatkowska A, Przylucka M, Retzo H, Strozzi T, Colombo D, Mora O, Sánchez F, Herrera G, Moretti S, Casagli N, Guzzetti F, “Exploitation of large archives of ERS and ENVISAT C-band SAR data to characterize ground deformations”, Remote Sensing, Vol. 5 (8), pp 3896-3917.

  31. Hansson Mild K, Hand J, Hietanen M, Gowland P, Karpowicz J, Keevil S, Lagroye I, van Rongen E, Scarfi MR, Wilen J, “Exposure classification of MRI workers in epidemiological studies”, Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 34 (1), pp 81-84.

  32. Reale D, Fornaro G, Pauciullo A, “Extension of 4-D SAR Imaging to the Monitoring of Thermally Dilating Scatterers”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 51 (12), pp 5296-5306.

  33. Nordebo S, Gustafsson M, Nilsson B, Sjöden T, Soldovieri F, “Fisher information analysis in electrical impedance tomography”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10 (6).

  34. Iero D, Isernia T, Crocco L, “Focusing Time Harmonic Scalar Fields in Complex Scenarios: A Comparison”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 12, pp 1029-1032.

  35. Iero D, Isernia T, Crocco L, “Focusing time harmonic scalar fields in non-homogenous lossy media: Inverse filter vs. constrained power focusing optimization”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103 (9), pp 093702-1 - 093702-4.

  36. van der Kruk J, Slob E, Crocco L, “Foreword to the Special issue on Advanced GPR imaging and inversion for hydrogeophysical and subsurface property estimation”, Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 11 (2), pp 115-116.

  37. Bonano M, Manunta M, Pepe A, Paglia L, Lanari R, “From Previous C-band to new X-band SAR Systems: Assessment of the DInSAR mapping improvement for deformation time-series retrieval in urban areas”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 51 (4), pp 1973-1984.

  38. Soldovieri F, Catapano I, Barone PM, Lauro SE, Mattei E, Pettinelli E, Valerio G, Comite D, Galli A, “Gpr estimation of the geometrical features of buried metallic targets in testing conditions”, Progress in Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 49, pp 339-362.

  39. Kadioglu S, Kadioglu YK, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “Ground penetrating radar and microwave tomography for the safety management of a cultural heritage site: Miletos Ilyas Bey Mosque (Turkey)”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10.

  40. Persichetti G, Testa G, Bernini R, “High sensitivity UV fluorescence spectroscopy based on an optofluidic jet waveguide”, Optics Express, Vol. 21 (20), pp 24219-24230.

  41. Boschetti M, Nutini F, Brivio PA, Bartholomé E, Stroppiana D, Hoscilo A, “Identification of environmental anomaly hot spots in West Africa from time series of NDVI and rainfall”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 78, pp 26-40.

  42. Pierri R, Bolomey JC, Liu QH, Soldovieri F, “Inverse Scattering and Microwave Tomography in Safety, Security, and Health”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Article ID 589598.

  43. Bucci OM, Isernia T, Perna S, Pinchera D, “Isophoric Sparse Arrays Ensuring Global Coverage in Satellite Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

  44. Iodice A, Natale A, Riccio D, “Kirchhoff scattering from fractal and classical rough surfaces: Physical interpretation”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61 (4), pp 2156-2163.

  45. Nutini F, Boschetti M, Brivio PA, Bocchi S, Antoninetti M, “Land-use and land-cover change detection in a semi-arid area of Niger using multi-temporal analysis of Landsat images”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34 (13), pp 4769-4790.

  46. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Limitations and strategies to improve measurement accuracy in differential pulse-width pair Brillouin optical time-domain analysis sensing”, Applied Optics, Vol. 52 (13), pp 3020-3026.

  47. Cennamo N, D'Agostino G, Donà A, Dacarro G, Pallavicini P, Pesavento M, Zeni L, “Localized surface plasmon resonance with five-branched gold nanostars in a plastic optical fiber for bio-chemical sensor implementation”, Sensors, Vol. 13 (11), pp 14676-14686.

  48. González PJ, Samsonov SV, Pepe S, Tiampo KF, Tizzani P, Casu F, Fernández J, Camacho AG, Sansosti E, “Magma storage and migration associated with the 2011-2012 El Hierro eruption: implications for crustal magmatic systems at oceanic island volcanoes”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 118 (8), pp 4361-4377.

  49. Bresciani M, Bolpagni R, Laini A, Matta E, Bartoli M, Giardino C, “Multitemporal analysis of algal blooms with MERIS images in a deep meromictic lake”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 46, pp 445-458.

  50. Tizzani P, Castaldo R, Solaro G, Pepe S, Bonano M, Casu F, Manunta M, Manzo M, Pepe A, Samsonov S, Lanari R, Sansosti E, “New Insights into the 2012 Emilia (Italy) seismic sequence through advanced numerical modeling of ground deformation InSAR measurements”, Geophysical Research Letters, Vol 40 (10), pp 1971-1977.

  51. Piezzo M, Aubry A, Buzzi S, Maio AD, Farina A, “Non-cooperative code design in radar networks: A game-theoretic approach”, Eurasip Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Vol. 2013 (1), Article number 63.

  52. Lamberti P, Tucci V, Romeo S, Sannino A, Scarfi MR, Zeni O, “nsPEF-induced Effects on Cell Membranes: Use of Electrophysical Model to Optimize Experimental Design”, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, Vol. 20 (4), pp 1231-1238.

  53. Gennarelli G, Riccio G, “Obtuse-angled penetrable wedges: A time domain solution for the diffraction coefficients”, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 27 (16), pp 2020-2028.

  54. Adamo M , Matta E, Bresciani M, De Carolis G, Vaiciute D, Giardino C, Pasquariello G, “On the synergistic use of SAR and optical imagery to monitor cyanobacteria blooms: The Curonian Lagoon case study”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 46 (1), pp 789-805.

  55. Brumana R, Oreni D, Cuca B, Rampini A, Pepe M, “Open access to historical information for landscape analysis in an SDI framework”, International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, Vol. 4 (3), pp 18-40.

  56. Cennamo N, Massarotti D, Galatus R, Conte L, Zeni L, “Performance comparison of two sensors based on surface plasmon resonance in a plastic optical fiber”, Sensors, Vol. 13 (1), pp 721-735. 

  57. Iodice A, Natale A, Riccio D, “Polarimetric two-scale model for soil moisture retrieval via dual-pol HH-VV SAR data”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 6 (3), pp 1163-1171.

  58. De Carolis G, Adamo M, Pasquariello G, De Padova D, Mossa M, “Quantitative characterization of marine oil slick by satellite near-infrared imagery and oil drift modelling: the Fun Shai Hai case study”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34 (5), pp 1838-1854.

  59. Aubry A, De Maio A, Pallotta L, Farina A, “Radar detection of distributed targets in homogeneous interference whose inverse covariance structure is defined via unitary invariant functions”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 61 (20), pp 4949-4961.

  60. Soldovieri F, Natale A, Gorishnyak V, Pavluchenko A, Pavluchenko A, Denisov A, Chen LJ, “Radiometric Imaging for Monitoring and Surveillance Issues”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 2013.

  61. Minardo A, Porcaro G, Giannetta D, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Real-time monitoring of railway traffic using slope-assisted Brillouin distributed sensors”, Applied Optics, Vol. 52 (16), pp 3770-3776.

  62. Gennarelli G, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “RF/Microwave Imaging of Sparse Targets in Urban Areas”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 12, pp 643-646.

  63. Soldovieri F, Masini N, Alvarez de Buergo M, Dumoulin J, “Safety issues in cultural heritage management and critical infrastructures management”, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, Vol. 10 (6).

  64. Ruch J, Pepe S, Casu F, Solaro G, Pepe A, Acocella V, Neri M, Sansosti E, “Seismo-tectonic behavior of the Pernicana Fault System (Mt Etna): a gauge for volcano flank instability?”, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 118 (8), pp 4398-4409.

  65. Cennamo N, D'Agostino G, Galatus R, Bibbò L, Pesavento M, Zeni L, “Sensors based on surface plasmon resonance in a plastic optical fiber for the detection of trinitrotoluene”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Vol. (188), pp 221-226.

  66. Villa P, Pompilio L, Boschetti M, Pepe M, “Spectroradiometric Field Surveys in Remote Sensing Practice: A Workflow Proposal, from Planning to Analysis”, Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, Vol. 1 (2), pp 37-51.

  67. Cascini L, Peduto D, Pisciotta G, Arena L, Ferlisi S, Fornaro G, “The combination of DInSAR and facility damage data for the updating of slow-moving landslide inventory maps at medium scale”, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 13 (6), pp 1527-1549.

  68. Millington TM, Cassidy NJ, Crocco L, Soldovieri F, “Tomographic GPR imaging using a linear inversion algorithm informed by FDTD modelling: A numerical case study of buried utility pipes monitoring”, Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 11 (2), pp 221-230.

  69. Bovenga F, Nitti DO, Fornaro G, Radicioni F, Stoppini A, Brigante R, “Using C/X-band SAR interferometry and GNSS measurements for the Assisi landslide analysis”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 34 (11), pp 4083-4104.

  70. Romeo S, Wu Y, Levine ZA, Gundersen MA, Vernier PT, “Water influx and cell swelling after nanosecond electropermeabilization”, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Biomembranes, Vol. 1828 (8), pp 1715-1722.

 Publications in journals: 20102011201220132014, 20152016



  1. Gonzalez-Huici MA, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “A Comparative Study of GPR Reconstruction Approaches for Landmine Detection”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (12), pp 4869-4878.

  2. Naghsh MM, Soltanalian M, Stoica P, Modarres-Hashemi M, De Maio A, Aubry A, “A doppler robust design of transmit sequence and receive filter in the presence of signal-dependent interference”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 62 (4), pp 772-785.

  3. Testa G, Persichetti G, Sarro P, Bernini R, “A hybrid silicon-PDMS optofluidic platform for sensing applications”, Biomedical optics express, Vol. 5 (2), pp. 417-426.

  4. Bordogna G, Carrara P, Criscuolo L, Pepe M, Rampini A, “A linguistic decision making approach to assess the quality of volunteer geographic information for citizen science”, Information Sciences, Vol. 258, pp 312-327.

  5. Ludeno G, Flampouris S, Lugni C, Soldovieri F, Serafino F, “A novel approach based on marine radar data analysis for high-resolution bathymetry map generation”, IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters, Vol 11 (1) pp. 234-238.

  6. Azzella MM, Bolpagni R, Oggioni A, “A preliminary evaluation of lake morphometric traits influence on the maximum colonization depth of aquatic plants”, Journal of Limnology, Vol. 73 (2), pp 1-7.

  7. Avanzi F, De Michele C, Ghezzi A, Jommi C, Pepe M, “A processing-modeling routine to use SNOTEL hourly data in snowpack dynamic models”, Advances in Water Resources, Vol. 73, pp 16-29.

  8. Aubry A, de Maio A, Foglia G, Hao C , Orlando D, “A radar detector with enhanced range estimation capabilities for partially homogeneous environment”, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Vol. 8 (9), pp 1018-1025

  9. Ampe EM, Hestir EL, Bresciani M, Salvadore E, Brando VE, Dekker A, Malthus TJ, Jansen M, Triest L, Batelaan O, “A wavelet approach for estimating chlorophyll-a from inland waters with reflectance spectroscopy”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol. 11 (1), pp 89-93.

  10. Sannino A, Zeni O, Romeo S, Massa R, Gialanella G, Grossi G, Manti L, Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi MR, “Adaptive response in human blood lymphocytes exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields: resistance to ionizing radiation-induced damage”, Journal of Radiation Research, Vol. 55 (2), pp 210-217.

  11. Vijayalaxmi, Cao Y, Scarfi MR, “Adaptive response in mammalian cells exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields: A review and gaps in knowledge”, Mutation research. Reviews in mutation research, Vol. 760, pp 36-45.

  12. Martinelli F, Scalenghe R, Davino S, Panno S, Scuderi G, Ruisi P, Villa P, Stroppiana D, Boschetti M, Goulart LR, Davis CE, Dandekar AM, “Advanced methods of plant disease detection. A review”, Agronomy for sustainable development, Vol. 35 (1), pp 1-25.

  13. Arangio S, Calo F, Di Mauro M, Bonano M, Marsella M, Manunta M, “An application of the SBAS-DInSAR technique for the assessment of structural damage in the city of Rome”, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Vol. 10 (11), pp 1469-1483.

  14. Scapaticci R, Bellizzi G, Catapano I, Crocco L, Bucci OM, “An effective procedure for MNP-enhanced breast cancer microwave imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering, Vol. 61 (4), pp 1071-1079.

  15. Villa P, Mousivand A, Bresciani M, “Aquatic vegetation indices assessment through radiative transfer modeling and linear mixture simulation”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 30, pp 113-127.

  16. Manconi A, Casu F, Ardizzone F, Bonano M, Cardinali M, De Luca C, Gueguen E, Marchesini I, Parise M, Vennari C, Lanari R, Guzzetti F, “Brief Communication: Rapid mapping of landslide events: the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide, Italy”, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 14 (7), pp 1835-1841.

  17. Villa P, Malucelli F, Scalenghe R, “Carbon Stocks in Peri-Urban Areas: A Case Study of Remote Sensing Capabilities”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (10), pp. 4119-4128

  18. Boschetti M, Nutini F, Manfron G, Brivio PA, Nelson A, “Comparative analysis of normalised difference spectral indices derived from MODIS for detecting surface water in flooded rice cropping systems”, PloS one, Vol. 9 (2).

  19. Villa P, Bresciani M, Braga F, Bolpagni R, “Comparative Assessment of Broadband Vegetation Indices Over Aquatic Vegetation”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 7 (7), pp 3117-3127.

  20. Attardo E, Vecchi G, Crocco L, “Contrast Source Extended Born Inversion in Non Canonical Scenarios via FEM Modeling”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol 9 (62), pp 4674-4685.

  21. Testa G, Persichetti G, Bernini R, “Design and Optimization of an Optofluidic Ring Resonator Based on Liquid-Core Hybrid ARROWs”, IEEE Photonics Journal, Vol 6 (5).

  22. Papa C, Alberti G, Salzillo G, Palmese G, Califano D, Ciofaniello L, Daniele M, Facchinetti C, Longo F, Formaro R, Catapano I, Crocco L, Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “Design and Validation of a Multimode Multifrequency VHF/UHF Airborne Radar”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 11 (7), pp 1260-1264

  23. Pauciullo A, De Maio A, Perna S, Reale D, Fornaro G, “Detection of partially coherent scatterers in multidimensional SAR tomography: A theoretical study”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol 52 (12), pp 7534-7548.

  24. Scapaticci R, Bucci OM, Catapano I, Crocco L, “Differential microwave imaging for brain stroke followup”, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, Article ID 312528 27.

  25. Gennarelli G, Riccio G , “Diffraction by 90° penetrable wedges with finite conductivity”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, Vol. 31 (1), pp 21-25.

  26. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Distributed Temperature Sensing in Polymer Optical Fiber by BOFDA”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 26 (4), pp 387-390.

  27. Lenstra WK, Hahn-Woernle L, Matta E, Bresciani M, Giardino C, Salmaso N, Musanti M, Fila G, Uittenbogaard R, Genseberger M, van der Woerd HJ, Dijkstra HA, “Diurnal variation of turbulence-related quantities in Lake Garda”, Advances in Oceanography and Limnology, Vol 5 (2), pp 184-203.

  28. Gil A, Bosc C, Basoni A, Clavée M, Bacai H, Pergola N, Monbet P, Zolotikova S, Zepeda-Juarez J, Antoninetti M, Tramutoli V, Wells A,Carrara P, “DORIS_NET project: enhancing the regional impact of COPERNICUS program by setting up the European Network of Regional Contact Offices (RCO)”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, pp 29-43.

  29. Baselice F, Ferraioli G, Reale D, “Edge detection using real and imaginary decomposition of SAR data”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol 52 (7), pp 3833-3842.

  30. Beneduci A, Cosentino K, Romeo S, Massa R, Chidichimo G, “Effect of millimetre waves on phosphatidylcholine membrane models: a non-thermal mechanism of interaction”, Soft Matter, Vol 10 (30), pp 5559-5567.

  31. Gennarelli G, Persico R, Soldovieri F, “Effective imaging systems based on periodic lattices”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol 104, doi: 10.1063/1.4876923.

  32. Calò F, Ardizzone F, Castaldo R, Lollino P, Tizzani P, Guzzetti F, Lanari R, Angeli MG, Pontoni F, Manunta M, “Enhanced landslide investigations through advanced DInSAR techniques: The Ivancich case study, Assisi, Italy”, Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 142, pp 69-82. (Cit 2)

  33. Zamparelli V, Agram PS, Fornaro G, “Estimation and compensation of phase shifts in SAR focusing of spotlight data acquired with discrete antenna steering”, IEEE geoscience and remote sensing letters, Vol 11 (11), pp 1921-1925.

  34. Solimene R, D'Alterio A, Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “Estimation of Soil Permittivity in Presence of Antenna-Soil Interactions”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 7 (3), pp 805-812.

  35. Giardino C, Bresciani M, Cazzaniga I, Schenk K, Rieger P, Braga F, Matta E, Brando VE, “Evaluation of Multi-Resolution Satellite Sensors for Assessing Water Quality and Bottom Depth of Lake Garda”, Sensors, Vol 14 (12), pp 24116-24131.

  36. Nutini F, Boschetti M, Candiani G, Bocchi S, Brivio PA, “Evaporative Fraction as an Indicator of Moisture Condition and Water Stress Status in Semi-Arid Rangeland Ecosystems”, Remote Sensing, Vol 6 (7), pp 6300-6323.

  37. Minardo A, Bernini R, Zeni L, “Experimental and numerical study on stimulated Brillouin scattering in a graded-index multimode fiber”, Optics Express, Vol 22 (14), pp 17480-17489.

  38. Zilius M, Bartoli M, Bresciani M, Katarzyte M, Ruginis T, Petkuviene J, Lubiene I, Giardino C, Bukaveckas PA, de Wit R, Razinkovas-Baziukas A, “Feedback mechanisms between cyanobacterial blooms, transient hypoxia, and benthic phosphorus regeneration in shallow coastal environments”, Estuaries and Coasts, Vol. 37 (3), pp 680-694.

  39. Panigada C , Rossini M, Meroni M, Cilia C, Busetto L, Amaducci S, Boschetti M, Cogliati S, Picchi V, Pinto F, Marchesi A, Colombo R, “Fluorescence, PRI and canopy temperature for water stress detection in cereal crops”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 30 (1), pp 167-178.

  40. Catapano I, Affinito A, Gennarelli G, di Maio F, Loperte A, Soldovieri F, “Full three-dimensional imaging via ground penetrating radar: assessment in controlled conditions and on field for archaeological prospecting”, Applied Physics A, Materials science & processing, Vol 115, pp 1415-1422.

  41. Bertolla L, Porsani JL, Soldovieri F, Catapano I, “GPR-4D monitoring a controlled LNAPL spill in a masonry tank at USP, Brazil”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol 103, pp 237-244.

  42. Solimene R, Cuccaro A, Dell’Aversano A, Catapano I, Soldovieri F, “Ground Clutter Removal in GPR Surveys”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (3), pp 792-798.

  43. Gianinetto M, Rusmini M, Candiani G, Dalla Via G, Frassy F, Maianti P, Marchesi A, Nodari Rota F, Dini L, “Hierarchical classification of complex landscape with VHR pan-sharpened satellite data and OBIA techniques”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol 47, pp 229-250.

  44. Cennamo N, D'Agostino G, Pesavento M, Zeni L, “High selectivity and sensitivity sensor based on MIP and SPR in tapered plastic optical fibers for the detection of l-nicotine”, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 191, pp 529-536.

  45. Minardo A, Coscetta A, Zeni L, Bernini R, “High-Spatial Resolution DPP-BOTDA by Real-Time Balanced Detection”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 26 (12), pp 1251-1254.

  46. Sansosti E, Berardino P, Bonano M, Calò F, Castaldo R, Casu F, Manunta M, Manzo M, Pepe A, Pepe S, Solaro G, Tizzani P, Zeni G, Lanari R, “How second generation SAR systems are impacting the analysis of ground deformation”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol 28 (11), pp 1-11.

  47. Confalonieri R, Stella T, Dominoni P, Frasso N, Consolati G, Bertoglio M, Bianchi E, Bortone L, Cairo V, Cappelli G, Cozzaglio G, Fattorossi G, Garbelli A, D'Incecco P, Marazzi A, Marescotti M, Marziali F, Maserati S, Mazza M, Mottadelli G, Negrini G, Nutini F, Orasen G, Pacca L, Pinnetti M, Pirotta M, Porta R, Riva A, Riva M, Scaramelli A, Sessa F, Uggeri S, Urbinati F, Russo G, Chiodini M, Bregaglio S, Acutis M, “Impact of agromanagement practices on rice elongation: Analysis and modelling”, Crop Science, Vol. 54 (5), pp 2294-2302.

  48. Albini M, Dinarelli S, Pennella F, Romeo S, Zampetti E, Girasole M, Morbiducci U, Massa R, Ramundo-Orlando A, “Induced movements of giant vesicles by millimeter wave radiation”, Biochimica et biophysica acta, Vol. 1838, pp 1710-1718.

  49. Pompilio L, Pepe M, Pedrazzi G, Marinangeli L, “Informational clustering of hyperspectral data”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (6), pp 2209-2223.

  50. Vijayalaxmi, Scarfi MR, “International and national expert group evaluations: Biological/Health effects of radiofrequency fields”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 11 (9), pp 9376-9408.

  51. Frassy F, Candiani G, Rusmini M, Maianti P, Marchesi A, Nodari Rota F, Dalla Via G, Albonico C, Gianinetto M, “Mapping Asbestos-Cement Roofing with Hyperspectral Remote Sensing over a Large Mountain Region of the Italian Western Alps”, Sensors Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Vol. 14 (9), pp 15900-15913.

  52. Aubry A, De Maio A, Pallotta L, Farina A, “Median matrices and their application to radar training data selection”, IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation, Vol. 8 (4), pp 265-274.

  53. Siniscalco C, Caramiello R, Migliavacca M, Busetto L, Mercalli L, Colombo R, Richardson AD, “Models to predict the start of the airborne pollen season”, International Journal of Biometeorology, doi 10.1007/s00484-014-0901-x.

  54. Bresciani M, Adamo M, De Carolis G, Matta E, Pasquariello G, Vaičiute D, Giardino C, “Monitoring blooms and surface accumulation of cyanobacteria in the Curonian Lagoon by combining MERIS and ASAR data”, Remote Sensing of Environment,Vol. 146, pp 124-135.

  55. Fornaro G, Pauciullo A, Reale D, Verde S, “Multilook SAR tomography for 3-D reconstruction and monitoring of single structures applied to COSMO-SKYMED data”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 7 (7), pp 2776-2785.

  56. Castaldo R, Fedi M, Florio G, “Multiscale estimation of excess mass from gravity data”, Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 197 (3), pp 1387-1398.

  57. Cilia C, Panigada C, Rossini M, Meroni M, Busetto L, Amaducci S, Boschetti M, Picchi V, Colombo R, “Nitrogen status assessment for variable rate fertilization in maize through hyperspectral imagery”, Remote Sensing, Vol 6 (7), pp 6549-6565.

  58. Catapano I, Affinito A, Bertolla L, Porsani JL, Soldovieri F, “Oil spill monitoring via microwave tomography enhanced GPR surveys”, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 108, pp 95-103.

  59. Bordogna G, Carrara P, Criscuolo L, Pepe M, Rampini A, “On predicting and improving the quality of Volunteer Geographic Information projects”, International Journal of Digital Earth, Vol. 7 (12), doi: 10.1080/17538947.2014.976774

  60. De Carolis G, Adamo M, Pasquariello G, “On the estimation of thickness of marine oil slicks from sun-glittered, near-infrared MERIS and MODIS imagery: the Lebanon oil spill case study”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52 (1), pp 559-573.

  61. Giardino C, Bresciani M, Stroppiana D, Oggioni A, Morabito G, “Optical remote sensing of lakes: an overview on Lake Maggiore”, Journal of Limnology, Vol. 73, pp 201-214.

  62. Bucci OM, Isernia T, Morabito AF, “Optimal synthesis of circularly symmetric shaped beams", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 62 (4), pp 1954-1964.

  63. Testa G, Persichetti G, Bernini R, “Optofluidic approaches for enhanced microsensor performances”, Sensors, Vol. 15 (1), pp 465-484.

  64. Catapano I, Soldovieri F, Gonzalez-Huici MA, “Performance assessment of a microwave tomographic approach for the forward looking radar configuration”, Subsurface Sensing Technology and Applications, Vol 15 (1), pp 90-102.

  65. Perna SEsposito C, Berardino P, Pauciullo A, Wimmer C, Lanari R, “Phase Offset Calculation for Airborne InSAR DEM Generation Without Corner Reflectors”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 53 (5), pp 2713-2726.

  66. Grimaldi IA, Berneschi S, Testa G, Baldini F, Nunzi Conti G, Bernini R, “Polymer based planar coupling of self-assembled bottle microresonators”, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 105 (23), doi: 10.1063/1.4904013.

  67. Testa G, Persichetti G, Bernini R, “Polymer microflow cytofluorometer”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 268, pp 223-226.

  68. Walter T R, Shirzaei M, Manconi A, Solaro G, Pepe A, Manzo M, Sansosti E, “Possible coupling of Campi Flegrei and Vesuvius as revealed by InSAR time series, correlation analysis and time dependent modeling”, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Vol. 280, pp 104-110.

  69. Di Mauro B, Fava F, Busetto L, Crosta GF, Colombo R, “Post-fire resilience in the Alpine region estimated from MODIS satellite multispectral data”, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 32 (1), pp 163-172.

  70. Criscuolo L, Bordogna G, Carrara P, Pepe M, "Quality control in voluntereed geographic information: analysis, representation and proposals for its assessment", Bollettino AIC Associazione Italiana Cartografia, Vol 151, pp 75-88.

  71. Gennarelli G, Riccio G, Solimene R, Soldovieri F, “Radar Imaging Through a Building Corner”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52 (10), pp 6750-6761.

  72. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “Radar imaging through cinderblock walls: Achievable performance by a model-corrected linear inverse scattering approach”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52 (10), pp 6738-6749.

  73. Aubry A, De Maio A, Piezzo M, Farina A, “Radar waveform design in a spectrally crowded environment via nonconvex quadratic optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Vol. 50 (2), pp 1138-1152.

  74. Ender J, Amin M, Fornaro G, Rosen PA, “Recent advances in radar imaging”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol 31 (4).

  75. Ludeno G, Brandini C, Lugni C, Arturi D, Natale A, Soldovieri F, Gozzini B, Serafino F, “Remocean system for the detection of the reflected waves from the Costa Concordia ship wreck”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol 7 (7), pp 3011-3018.

  76. Bolpagni R, Bresciani M, Laini A, Pinardi M, Matta E, Ampe EM, Giardino C, Viaroli P, Bartoli M, “Remote sensing of phytoplankton-macrophyte coexistence in shallow hypereutrophic fluvial lakes”, Hydrobiologia, Vol. 737 (1), pp 67-76.

  77. Fugazza C, Oggioni A, Carrara P, “RITMARE: Linked Open Data for Italian Marine Research”, ERCIM news, Vol. 86, pp 17-18.

  78. Solimene R, Catapano I, Gennarelli G, Cuccaro A, Dell'Aversano A, Soldovieri F, “SAR imaging algorithms and some unconventional applications: A unified mathematical overview”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 31 (4), pp 90-98.

  79. Casu F, Elefante S, Imperatore P, Zinno I, Manunta M, De Luca C, Lanari R, “SBAS-DInSAR parallel processing for deformation time-series computation”, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, Vol. 7 (8), pp 3285-3296.

  80. Stroppiana D, Antoninetti M, Brivio PA, “Seasonality of MODIS LST over Southern Italy and correlation with land cover, topography and solar radiation”, European Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, pp 133-152.

  81. Kliment T, Bordogna G, Frigerio L, Stroppiana D, Crema A, Boschetti M, Sterlacchini S, Brivio PA, “Supporting a Regional Agricultural Sector with Geo & Mainstream ICT - the Case Study of Space4Agri Project”, AGRIS on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics, Vol VI (4).

  82. Gennarelli G, Soldovieri F, “The Effect of Array Configuration in Transmission-Mode Electromagnetic Imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 62 (10), pp 5148-5156.

  83. Iero DAM, Crocco L, Isernia T, “Thermal and microwave constrained focusing for patient-specific breast cancer hyperthermia: A robustness assessment”, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 62 (2), pp 814-821.

  84. Catapano I, Crocco L, Krellmann Y, Triltzsch G, Soldovieri F, “Tomographic airborne ground penetrating radar imaging: Achievable spatial resolution and on-field assessment”, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol 92, pp 69-78.

  85. Fornaro G, Lombardini F, Pauciullo A, Reale D, Viviani F, “Tomographic processing of interferometric SAR data: Developments, applications, and future research perspectives”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Vol. 31 (4), pp 51-50.

  86. Arcaini P, Bordogna G, Mangioni E, Polyzoni C, Sterlacchini S, “The Sistemati project”, Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, Vol. 30, pp 55-61.

  87. Persichetti G, Testa G, Bernini R, “Water-jet waveguide for fluorescence spectroscopy”, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 268, pp 255-259.

  88. Ludeno G, Orlandi A, Lugni C, Brandini C, Soldovieri F, Serafino F, “X-band marine radar system for high-speed navigation purposes: A test case on a cruise ship”, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, Vol 11 (1), pp 244-248.

figura SAR P-band smallIt has been completed the research and development activity aimed at the implementation and testing of a multi-frequency radar system operating in the P-band (frequencies below 1 GHz), in particular in the VHF and UHF. The system is owned by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), made by the Consortium for Research on Advanced Remote Sensing Systems (CORISTA), and experimented with the participation of the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment of CNR, the Polytechnic of Milano and the University of Trento. It allows obtaining information on the sub-surface layer of the investigated area through the use of frequencies lower than those of the "classic" L, C and X-bands.

"The capability of the P-band radar to penetrate surfaces" state Gianfranco Fornaro and Francesco Soldovieri, IREA Senior Researchers who coordinated the activities of data processing and image generation including the one shown in Figure, "has relevant applications to safety, monitoring of forests, biomass and soil moisture estimation, as well as for the analysis of glaciers, for archeology, geology and planetary exploration".

The interest of the Defense towards the exploration of the potentialities offered by the military use of the P-band allowed us to carry out the radar testing through two flight campaigns with aircraft provided by the Aeronautica Militare. As part of the experiment, IREA led the data processing necessary to provide to the P-band radar the ability to discriminate the objects to the ground, with detail comparable to that of the human eye. The generation of P-band images requires a complex signal processing that, in the specific case of installation on a helicopter, concerned mainly the accurate compensation of the platform motion errors.

JGEFrancesco Soldovieri, Senior Researcher at IREA, together with John Leucci and Raffaele Persico of IBAM-CNR, received the Journal of Geophysics and Engineering Best Paper Award last June 16. It is a prize for one of the eleven articles selected in the first decade of the journal for their scientific relevance and impact in terms of citations.

The paper, entitled 'Detection of fractures from GPR data: the case history of the Cathedral of Otranto', deals with the theme of non-invasive diagnostics for the study of the conservation status of the 'core' columns inside the Crypt of the Cathedral of Otranto. The innovative character of the paper relates to the use of an advanced procedure of data processing based on microwave tomography, capable of obtaining images of the column internal state easily interpretable by users. Published in 2007, the article is very quoted by the scientific community of geophysics applied to monuments.

rsz coverThe prestigious IEEE Journal "Signal Processing Magazine" reserved a special issue on "Recent Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging" in July 2014. The special issue is dedicated to the most significant recent developments in the fields of SAR data processing techniques and applications.

Gianfranco Fornaro, IREA Senior Researcher, is one of the guest editors of this special issue together with three other prominent international experts in the field. The special issue articles provide a review of remote sensing methods for microwave SAR sensors, describe the application scenario, and include suggestions for future development lines. IREA is specifically involved in the issue of SAR tomography, in collaboration with the University of Pisa, for applications in complex scenarios such as the urban ones and infrastructures, and in collaboration with the Second University of Napoli, for SAR technics in unconventional scenarios, including subsurface and through-wall-imaging.

The special issue cover is dedicated to the results obtained by IREA, in collaboration with the German Space Agency (DLR), in the reconstruction of individual buildings through SAR tomography. The relevance of the technology proposed and developed at IREA is widely recognized by the scientific community and witnessed by several international awards.

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