Design and realization of extremely low frequency exposure systems


Cell cultures are exposed by means of exposure devices employing circular coils systems placed horizontally and parallel to the surface of the cell culture. The geometry of the coil system is numerically calculated in order to optimize the extent of magnetic field uniformity. Each coil consists of 2 parallel windings in such a way that, in agreement with the different feeding, the current can flow in the same direction (wrapped configuration) or in the opposite direction (counter-wound configuration). In this last case the magnetic fields cancel each other giving rise to a sham system, in which the current and power dissipation are the same as the wrapped configuration system but the magnetic field is zero. Both exposure and sham exposure systems are placed inside the same cell culture incubator for the control of environmental parameters. In some cases, to reduce interference between the two exposure  systems, a μ-metal sheet will allow to shield the sham system from the field produced by the exposure system.