In the bioelectromagnetic research, the synergistic interaction between both low and high frequency electromagnetic fields, with other chemical and physical agents, is an aspect still scantly investigated, but which can provide useful information for both human safety and biomedical applications. The small entity electromagnetic field effects may intensify the effects of other agents such as environmental pollutants. This is of great importance from the safety point of view (risk evaluation), because electromagnetic fields exposure of general population is often combined with other environmental pollutants. The activities in this context represent a valuable tool not only to assess the direct action of electromagnetic fields, but also the possible effect of cancer co-promoting, since many factors are involved in cancer promotion. On the other hand, the effects of the electromagnetic fields could reduce the effects of well known damaging agents by providing the conditions for the development of new applications in the biomedical field. In this context, in recent years, IREA researchers, in collaboration with the University of San Antonio, Texas, have provided evidence that electromagnetic fields at frequencies used for cell phones are able to induce adaptive response. The adaptive response is a phenomenon by which cells or individuals exposed to a sub-toxic dose of DNA damaging agent become resistant to the damage induced by a subsequent higher dose, of the same or another agent. Following a 20 hours pre-exposure to radiofrequency, human peripheral blood lymphocytes exhibited a sharp reduction of DNA damage induced by a subsequent treatment with a known genotoxic agent, mitomycin-C. The ability to induce protection against DNA damaging agents, as shown by radiofrequency, could be exploited to protect individuals from damage induced by exposure to mutagens such as X-ray. In addition, the possibility of modulating the adaptive response in a differentiated way in normal and cancer cells, providing protection for the healthy instead of cancer cells, could be a valuable tool in cancer therapy.
Cooperative effects between electromagnetic fields and environmental pollutants or model molecules
Additional Info
Understanding the interaction mechanisms between electromagnetic fields and biological systems
Contribution to formulation of safety standards for exposure to electromagnetic fields
Biomedical applications of electromagnetic fields
ISI Journals
M. Sansone, O. Zeni, G. Esposito, " Automatic segmentation of comet assay iamges using Gaussian filtering and fuzzy clastering", Med Biol Eng Comput. 2012 Mar 9 [Epub ahead of print]
F. Brescia, M. Sarti, R. Massa, M. Calabrese, A,. Sannino, M.R. Scarfì, “Reactive oxygen species formation is not enhanced by exposure to UMTS 1950 MHz radiation and co-exposure to ferrous ions in Jurkat cells”, Bioelectromagnetics, 30, 525-535, 2009.
A. Sannino, G. Di Costanzo, F. Brescia, M. Sarti, O. Zeni, J. Juutilainen, M.R. Scarfì, “Human fibroblasts and 900 MHz RF radiation: evaluation of DNA damage after exposure and co-exposure to 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5h)-furanone (MX)”, Radiation Research, 171, 743–751, 2009.
O. Zeni, R. Di Pietro, G. d’Ambrosio, R. Massa, M. Capri, J. Naarala, J. Juutilainen, M.R. Scarfì, “Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species in L929 Cells after Exposure to 900 MHz RF Radiation with and without Co-exposure to 3-Chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone”, Radiation Research, 167, 3, 306-311, 2007.
O. Zeni, R. Di Pietro, F. Salvemini, D. Buonincontri, H. Komulainen, M. Romanò, M.R. Scarfì, “Induction of oxidative stress in murine cell lines by 3-chloro-4-(dichloromethyl)-5-hydroxy-2(5H)-furanone (MX)”, Toxicology Letters, 147, 79-85, 2004.
O. Zeni, M.B. Lioi, A. D’Alisa, M. Sorrentino, F. Salvemini, M.R. Scarfì, “Combined exposure to ELF magnetic fields and chemical mutagens: lack of genotoxic effects in human lymphocytes”, Electro & Magneto-biology, 20, 3, 331-341, 2001.
M.R. Scarfì, F. Prisco, M.B. Lioi, F. Bersani, O. Zeni, Di Pietro R, Franceschi C, Iafusco D, Stoppoloni G: Spontaneous and mitomycin-C induced micronuclei in lymphocytes from Turner's syndrome subjects. Mutation Res., 357, 183-190, 1996.
M.R. Scarfì, F. Bersani, A. Cossarizza, D. Monti, G. Franceschetti, C. Franceschi, “Spontaneous and mitomycin C-induced micronuclei in human lymphocytes exposed to extremely low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields”, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 176, 194-200, 1991.
Proceedings in international conferences
M.R. Scarfì, “Combined effects induced in biological systems by exposure to EMF and chemical or physical agents”, in “Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation 2011”, Rome, Italy, 11-15 April 2011.
Participations in international conferences
O. Zeni, A. Sannino, M. Sarti, F. Brescia, R. Massa, S. Romeo, M.R. Scarfì, “In Vitro Effects of Exposures And Co-Exposures to 1950 MHz Radiofrequency radiation: Ongoing Activities at CNR-IREA”, COST BM0704 workshop, Bordeaux, France, 27-28 May 2010.
F. Brescia, M. Sarti, R. Massa, M.L. Calabrese, A. Sannino, M.R. Scarfì, “Reactive oxygen species formation is not enhanced by exposure to UMTS 1950 MHz radiation and co-exposure to ferrous ions in Jurkat cells”, Bioem2009, Davos, Switzerland, 14-19 June 2009.
A. Sannino, G. Di Costanzo, M. Sarti, O. Zeni , M.R. Scarfì, “ Evaluation of genotoxic effects in human fibroblasts following 900 MHz RF exposures and co-exposures to MX”, 8th EBEA congress, Bordeaux, France, 10-13 april 2007.
M. Capri, E. Scarcella, E. Bianchi, C. Lanzarini, S. Carosella, P. Mesirca, C. Agostini, F. Bersani, O. Zeni, G. d’Ambrosio, R. Massa, M.R. Scarfì, J. Juutilainen, C. Franceschi, “Combined effects of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation and Vinclozolin on NIH 3T3 cell cultures”, 6th EBEA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 13-15 novembre 2003.
O. Zeni, R. Di Pietro, G. d’Ambrosio, R. Massa, M. Capri, C. Franceschi, J. Juutilainen, M.R. Scarfì, “Kinetics of reactive oxygen species formation in L929 cell cultures following exposure and co-exposure to RF radiation (900 MHz) and MX”, 6th EBEA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 13-15 november 2003.
J. Juutilainen, P. Heikkinen, T. Kumlin, A. Markkanen, A. Ruotsalainen, J. Naarala, V.M. Kosma, H. Huuskonen, H. Komulainen, L. Puranen, L. Verschaeve, M.R. Scarfì, “Combined effects of electromagnetic fields with carcinogenic agents”, International Symposium on Bioelectromagnetics, Kyoto, Japan, 4-7 october 2002.
O. Zeni, R. Di Pietro, M. Capri, E. Scarcella, E. Bianchi, C. Franceschi, G. d’Ambrosio, R. Massa, M.R. Scarfì, “Lack of cancer-related cellular effects in murine cell lines following co-exposures to 900 MHz Radiofrequency radiation and MX”, 24th Annual meeting of the Bioelectromagnetic Society, Quebec City, Canada, 23-27 June 2002.
G. d’Ambrosio, R. Massa, M.R. Scarfì, O. Zeni, “Evaluation of cooperative effects between CW microwaves and Mitomycin-C”, 23nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the BEMS Society, St Paul, Minnesota, June 2001
O. Zeni, A. Perrotta, P. Pisani, M.R. Scarfì, “Absence of cooperative effects in L929 cells following combined exposure to MX and a 50 Hz sinusoidal magnetic field”, 31st Annual Meeting of the European Environmental Mutagen Society, Ghent, Belgium, 1-5 September, 2001.
O. Zeni, M.B. Lioi, A. D’Alisa, F. Salvemini, M.R. Scarfì, “Lack of cooperative effects on human lymphocytes after combined exposure to ELF magnetic fields and hydroquinone”, 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the BEMS Society, Monaco, 9-16 June 2000.
Participations in national conferences
G. Gialanella, G. Grossi, L. Manti, R. Massa, P. Scampoli, M. Sarti, M.R. Scarfì, O. Zeni, “Exposure and Co-exposure of Mammalian Cells to 1950 MHz
UMTS Signal”, Convegno "Attività di Ricerca del Centro Interuniversitario ICEmB a Venti Anni dalla Sua Costituzione", Genova, 25-26 febbraio 2010.
O. Zeni, M. Sorrentino, M.R. Scarfì, M.B. Lioi, R. Barbieri, F. Bersani, “Interazioni tra un campo magnetico di bassa frequenza e Mitomicina-C in linfociti umani coltivati in vitro”, Convegno Nazionale di Radioprotezione, Radiazioni non ionizzanti: aspetti scientifici e normativi, Napoli, 29 settembre-1 ottobre 1999.
M.R. Scarfì, M.B. Lioi, G. d'Ambrosio, R. Massa, O. Zeni, A. Santoro, D. Di Berardino, “Induzione di micronuclei in linfociti bovini esposti a mutageni chimici (mitomicina-C) e fisici (campi elettromagnetici)”, XI congresso nazionale A.S.P.A., Grado, 19-22 giugno 1995.
ARCAICA - Radiofrequency field induced adaptation of the cellular response to the ionizing radiation
Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento di Fisica
Università di Kuopio (Finlandia), Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali
Università di Napoli "Federico II", Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche
CNR – Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini, Napoli
ENEA, Casaccia, Sezione di Tossicologia e Scienze Biomediche