
Progetto di ricercaIREA participates in numerous national and international research projects as evidenced, among other things, by the relevance of external fundings. Currently, IREA is present, even with co-ordinating role, in 17 international projects, 14 of which are funded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme.

At a national level IREA coordinates research activities of 4 projects and participates in several projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE), by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), by the Region of Campania and the Region of Lombardy. It should be remembered, also, the provision of highly qualified institutional services as that carried out for the Italian Department of Civil Protection Department of which IREA is Centre of Competence for the satellite monitoring of ground deformation.

IREA is also involved in industrial research projects funded or carried out in collaboration with companies of national relevance. It coordinates a project funded by ENI, with West Systems Srl it is developing a project funded by MISE, with Vitrociset SPA participates in a project funded by MIUR, with the South SPA Equipment Industry (INARME) is in progress a project funded by the Region of Campania. Finally, it has just started a project with the CGS SpA General Company for Space and one with the Company Pierreci Codess.