International projects
Active and Passive Microwaves for Security and Subsurface imaging AMISS proposal aims at establishing a collaborative network that will be able to acquire international visibility by providing theoretical and applicative advancements in the field of the active and passive microwave…
The BLUEMED project is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funded by the European Commission within the H2020 framework programme with 3 M€, aimed at: supporting the implementation of the BLUEMED Initiative as a key policy reference for all actors of Blue Growth in…
Investigation on the biological effects of low doses of I-131 and comparison with subjects occupationally exposed in the framework of nuclear medicine The project deals with the evaluation of individual sensitivity, at molecular and chromosomal level, to low and high…
E-Collaboration for Earth Observation E-CEO is a project whose aim is to create a collaboration platform based on a cloud computing environment that, through the definition and implementation of some "contests" (exercises), allows the development and adoption of new methodologies…
CNR-IREA is participating in the Interreg Italy-Croatia project “ECOSS - Ecological Observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity”. There are ten partner institutions from Italy and Croatia, collaborating under the leadership of the Italian National Research Council’s…
Environmental quality and pressures assessment across Europe The Project EnvEurope takes origin from the LTER-Europe network, which is represented by more than 400 sites in Europe. The project contributes to the integration and coordination of long-term research on ecosystems and…
EO4GEO is an Erasmus+ Sector Skills Alliance gathering 26 partners (and initially 22 associated partners, looking forward to new adhesions) from 16 countries from academia, private and public sector active in the education/training and space/geospatial sectors. It is coordinated by…
EPOS (European Plate Observing Systems) aims at creating a pan-European infrastructure for solid Earth science to support a safe and sustainable society. EPOS will enable innovative multidisciplinary research for a better understanding of the Earth’s physical and chemical processes that…
Helix Nebula is an FP7 project, coordinated by CERN, whose aim is establishing a Cloud Computing European platform dedicated to Science. The Helix Nebula structure has been defined and developed on three Pilot-Projects proposed by CERN, EMBL and ESA. IREA-CNR…
LAndslide Modelling and tools for vulnerability assessment Preparedness and REcovery management LAMPRE (landslide modeling and tools for vulnerability assessment of the planning and management of environmental recovery) aims to improve the currently limited understanding of the vulnerability of urban centers.…
New directions in seismic hazard assessment through focused Earth Observation in the Marmara Supersite The project aims to collect, share and integrate multidisciplinary data (seismologic, geochemical, surveying, satellite, etc.) in order to carry out assessment, mitigation and management of seismic…
MEDiterranean SUpersite Volcanoes The project, funded by the European Union under the Seventh Framework Programme, has as its objective the creation of a multidisciplinary study on the risk volcanic areas in Southern Italy, Mount Etna and Campi Flegrei Caldera, built…
NANOphotonic DEvice for Multiple therapeutic drug monitoring The project involves the development of a Point-of-care therapeutic monitoring of immunosuppressants and related metabolites in transplant patients. In particular, it will be developed an optical chip / microfluidic and a suitable readout…
Satellite Broadband for European Regions The European project, which involves 26 partners, aims to explore how satellite systems can help to reduce the digital gap in Europe, in order to define the guidelines for using and disseminating as best as…
The SAfer FUEL system The project concerns the development of an innovative system for management and control of fuel in airplanes. In particular, innovative acoustic and optical sensors will be developed to eliminate the risk of explosion associated with conventional…
STRONGRCraft will develop, test (Attitude, circulation, water & fuel, slosh & vibration, drop) and manufacture a highly performant, lightweight, cost effective with innovative optical Fuel Level Sensor and limited environmental footprint Fuel System (FS). The project will also design, manufacture…
The TEP-QW project is a continuation of activities started under the ESA's Supersites Exploitation Platform (SSEP) project. It will build on previous work to deploy a complete and consistent collaborative platform which allow EO users to: access and discover data,…
The aim of the project is to provide support in the evaluation and mitigation of risk to agencies of civil protection and bodies for the management of natural hazards, using the most advanced satellite radar technologies to measure ground deformation.…