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Infrastrutture interoperabili per i geodati
L'ambito di studio delle Infrastrutture interoperabili per i geodati è di grande attualità tanto che alcuni testi di letteratura contemporanea - citiamo ad esempio Il Sentiero Luminoso, Wu Ming 2, Ediciclo Editore (2016) - ne prendono in prestito acronimi e glossario per arricchire le proprie pagine, renderle attuali e curiose.
L'attività di IREA in questo settore nasce dall'esigenza di usare Internet per diffondere ed elaborare i prodotti geospaziali delle proprie ricerche, si tratti di mappe digitali che derivano dall'osservazione satellitare della terra o di osservazioni raccolte da sensori sul campo.
I ricercatori IREA di questo gruppo, lavorano in stretto contatto con i loro colleghi esperti di dominio, quali geologi, ecologie e limnologi, nel tentativo di coniugare il più possibile tecnologie e strumenti IT di avanguardia con requisiti e pratiche di chi crea e usa dati e informazioni in settori specifici della ricerca, quali il telerilevamento satellitare, l'ecologia, la biologia, la geologia, ecc.
Tale attività di ricerca si svolge nell'ambito di diverse iniziative internazionali. Tra le varie ricordiamo: la direttiva europea INSPIRE, il Programma Copernicus/GMES della Commissione Europea, GEO-GEOSS e l'Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
Data-LTER-Mountain (NextData) "Armonizzazione e standard per dati esistenti e di nuova raccolta e metadati su siti LTER in ecosistemi montani italiani"
Il progetto Data-LTER-Mountain svilupperà un sistema distribuito di archivi e di servizi di accesso ai dati e ai metadati raccolti nei siti montani della rete LTER-Italia. L’IREA è chiamata a definire gli standard per descrivere adeguatamente e armonizzare i dati ecologici e relativi metadati, sviluppando sia il sistema di archiviazione per i dati raccolti nei siti LTER di montagna sia i servizi di accesso a questi stessi, mettendoli in collegamento con gli archivi di NextData.
Prime contractor: CNR - Istituto di Biologia Agroambientale e Forestale (IBAF)
Periodo di attività: 2014-2015
Finanziamento IREA: € 108,325
Responsabile IREA: Paola Carrara, Alessandro Oggioni
Riferimenti: "Data-LTER-Mountain: Harmonisation and standards for existing and newly collected Data and MetaData on LTER sites in Italian Mountain ecosystems"del Progetto di interesse NextData del MIUR
Project description
The project Data-LTER-Mountain will develop a distributed systems of archives and access services to data and metadata collected in Italian Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) sites located in mountain ecosystems. Archives and services will be developed starting from the experience of EnvEurope project and will be harmonised to national and international approaches, in connection to NextData tools.
Sites are from high elevation grasslands and nival ecosystems, mountain forests, mountain lakes, from Apennines and Alps. All sites are included in the LTER-Italy network.
The project will: i) contribute to the definitions of standards and models for biological and ecological data and metadata in mountain sites; ii) provide mountain LTER sites of their own data and metadata systems, according to defined standards and models; iii) entry metadata and data in the system, using already available data and data collected in new campaigns; iv) act to make available services for the larger LTER communities at national and international level.
Main goals of the project
- Evaluation of the existing data standards to publish and make available data and metadata, integration with existing systems adopted and shared by other national/international communities
- Contribution to the definitions of standards and models for biological and ecological data and metadata collected in mountain sites
- Provide mountain LTER sites of their own data and metadata systems, according to defined standards and models, in connection to NextData tools, so that each site can contribute to a wider archive of metadata useful to browse ecological and biological data.
- Entry of metadata and data in the system, using already available data and with data collected during new measurements campaigns with particular attention to ecosystem processes and functional properties.
- Outreach actions of data and metadata standards and models for the bio-ecological realm to be made available for the larger LTER communities, beyond mountain sites, at national and international level
Units and tasks in the project:
Unit 1 – CNR - IBAF
Contact to LTER–Italia; Coordinator of LTER Site "Forests of the Apennines"; Link to Corpo Forestale dello Stato; grant holder contract for organisation, provision and collection of data on terrestrial sites (in cooperation with the other two grant-holders at CNR-ISE and CNR-IREA) and providing support to all Units.
Unit 2 – CNR - IREA
Defining standards/models to suitably describe and harmonize bio-ecological data and metadata; developing the system of mountain LTER sites' archives and access services to the results of research in mountainous ecosystems, in connection with the archives of NextData; grant holder contract for data standards and information management tools (in cooperation with the other two grant-holders at CNR-IBAF and CNR-ISE) and providing support to all Units.
Unit 3 – CNR - ISE
Coordinator of two research sites within the parent site IT09 "Mountain lakes"; grant holder contract for organisation, provision and collection of data on high mountain freshwater sites (in cooperation with the other two grant-holders at CNR-IBAF and CNR-IREA) and providing support to all Units.
Unit 4 – UniTO
Coordinator of LTER Site "North-Western Italian Alps"; organization, provision and collection of data on high mountain sites, in collaboration with the Regional Environmental Agency of the Aosta Valley (supported from and in cooperation with grant-holders at CNR-ISE and CNR-IREA), specific expertise on soil and snow data.
Unit 5 – UniMol
Coordinator of LTER Site "High-Elevation Apennines"; organisation, provision and collection of data on high elevation sites in the Apennines, (supported from and in cooperation with grant-holders at CNR-IBAF and CNR-IREA), specific expertise on plant diversity data, dendroecological analysis, wood anatomy and land-cover changes
Unit 6 - UniPar
Coordinator of LTER Site "Mountain lakes"; organisation, provision and collection of data on high elevation sites in the Apennines, (supported from and in cooperation with the grant-holders at CNR-ISE and CNR-IBAF), specific expertise on lake diversity data
CARE-G Una piattaforma di servizi per la cura della salute e la qualità della vita del cittadino anziano
Il progetto CARE-G ha l'obiettivo di realizzare una piattaforma di servizi per la cura della salute e la qualità della vita dell’anziano che si basi su una infrastruttura di dati e applicazioni : a) a basso costo, b) a larga diffusione e trasferibilità, c) che aiuti il cittadino anziano, ed eventualmente chi se ne prende cura, ad adottare comportamenti proattivi rispetto ai propri problemi socio-sanitari e ad assumere atteggiamenti che portino ad avere uno stile di vita tale da limitare il bisogno dell’intervento socio-sanitario pubblico o privato. Ciò sarà possibile attraverso l'impiego di una infrastruttura dotata di programmi di informazione relativi ad uno stile di vita opportuno per l’anziano, sistemi di raccolta e gestione di dati socio-sanitari e ambientali del singolo anziano, comprendente rilevatori indossabili ad personam per la raccolta di parametri clinico-fisici, quaderni digitali di salute per l’annotazione di parametri neuro cognitivi/comportamentali e di risposta ad esercizi fisici programmati, sistemi di analisi del rischio clinico personalizzati,che includono sistemi di gestione di piani di cura clinici e di programmi di stile di vita. Tali dati verranno integrati, interpretati e collocati sul territorio Lombardo al fine di mappare il contesto socio-sanitario ed ambientale della comunità anziana; in tal modo si potranno avere le basi conoscitive tali da indirizzare le scelte verso la realizzazione di strutture architettoniche più idonee al contesto socio-sanitario ed urbano della comunità anziana.
Prime contractor: IBFM-CNR
Periodo di attività: 2013-2015
Finanziamento IREA: € 62.538
Responsabile IREA: Anna Rampini
Componenti SDI per i dati ecologici
Long-term ecological research (LTER) studies aim at detecting environmental changes and analysing related drivers. In Europe this research is performed in about 450 sites and platforms joined in the network LTER-Europe. Within the network, sharing data on various types of ecosystems and at a broad geographical scale is still an issue; managing data resulting from long-term observations is an important task not only for LTER sites but also at network level. Due to the fragmented nature of LTER Europe - and also on the global scale - information management practices have to face several challenges, e.g. distributed data sources; heterogeneous data models; particular data management routines as well as the complex domain of ecosystem monitoring with regard to the resulting data.
The Life+ EnvEurope project (2010-2013) faced this challenge and improved the situation described above using the data from the distributed network of LTER-Europe sites. A project product, i.e. the EnvEurope Drupal Ecological Information Management System (DEIMS) for metadata management and data sharing within the Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) domain, allows discovery, evaluation and access to data of LTER sites. The development was based on the works carried on by US LTER.
As an output from the EnvEurope Action 1 working group, DEIMS provides the following main components:
1) Metadata editor: web accessible forms to enter and manage metadata of three information resource types - datasets, persons and research sites (see figure 1)
2) Discovery client: provides several ways to search for datasets, persons and research sites based on patterns ranging from simple full text search, glossary browsing to guided faceted search (see figure 2)
3) Geo-Viewer: a map client, which can be used to display boundaries and centroids of the LTER sites; each site layer is linked to both Metadata editor and Discovery client (see figure 3); moreover a graphical representation of the data collected in the site and published through an SOS service is visible in Geo-Viewer (see figure 4)
Metadata collected by LTER-Europe researchers using the DEIMS can be shared in the following ways:
- Metadata records encoded in the Ecological Metadata Language (EML) are periodically collected and produce a data catalogue, which can be used by international or European initiatives (e.g. DataOne network, GBIF) and projects (e.g. LifeWatch)
- Metadata are harvested into a GeoNetwork catalogue, providing a catalogue service for web (OGC-CSW) to be used by remote SDI catalogues, e.g. INSPIRE Geoportal
The final version of DEIMS is a pilot implementation for the information system of LTER-Europe, which should establish a common information management framework within the European ecosystem research domain and provide valuable environmental information to other European initiatives such as SEIS, Copernicus and the INSPIRE Directive.
Tools and approaches developed and tested in this application are going to be reused in new projects such as Data-LTER-Mountain (NextData), RITMARE SP7 and LifeWatch.
Figure 1: DEIMS metadata editor for dataset web interface
Figure 2: Full-text searching interface for datasets
Figure 3: LTER site location in Geo-Viewer and connections to metadata
Figure 4: graphical representation of the data collected in the site in Geo-Viewer